What Are Your Feet Gripping To?

By | on April 27, 2024 | 5 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

5 Responses to “What Are Your Feet Gripping To?”

  1. Avatar photo

    December 22, 2019


    To add to Pau’s video consider this: “grounding” your back foot is what grounds you to the earth. The more grounded you are to the earth–the more power you generate.

    ANALOGY–imagine Ali throwing a punch with his back foot up in the air. Do you think he’d have more or less power?

    LESS!!! (his opponents would have loved that:) lol

    You can be a HEARER or a DOER. As Paul mentions–a HEARER just listens and does nothing or gives up too soon.

    Be a DOER on this tip.

    Remember–“Grounding is POWER”

    IT’S A SIMPLE CONCEPT—please listen and APPLY Paul’s tip–he nails it—it–more than once or even 10 times.!

    Report back your results!!!

  2. December 23, 2019


    Paul, at what point do you need to straighten your left leg? I think that would be another point to work on your golf body turn in connection with your practice keeping your back foot flat.

  3. Avatar photo

    December 23, 2019


    I’ve been working on this a lot. I work on this with no club inside. Feel the weight on the inside of your back foot as you turn. Great to do in an elevator (if you’re alone). Then you can feel the power from the ground up as you turn forward. This is vital. Just watch any pto. Men or ladies. They NEVER sway NEVER. great fundamental reminder/tip.

  4. December 27, 2019


    Hi Paul,
    In a previous tip you stressed resisting the turning of your shoulders on the backswing with your lower body, which produces more torque. This grounding the foot is the same thing isn’t it? I know when I got that resistance tip and did it I got better, longer shots. I sometimes forget because I rush and that leads to my suboptimal shots. I have your setup routine down cold, now it is just the hundred odd things I have to remember in the swing.
    thanks for all of your tips,

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      January 2, 2020

      Paul Wilson


      Yes, this would quiet the lower body. Swaying and moving too much is a huge problem. This does not allow you to build the torque necessary to repeat the swing. So less is more but less takes effort. If you don’t know that you will always take the easy way out.

      You need to fix the big things first. Then there are lots of small things which add up to 1 more big thing. The goal is to knock the small things off over time until your swing is working how you want it to work and look how you want it too look.

      I would think the big things for you should be close to fixed if not fixed. So it is on to small things. You pick out one or two then you create a routine repeating them constantly in practice swings until you have them mastered. Then you move on to one or two others and so on. Just takes focus. Everyone is so worried about the ball and hitting a great shot. The thing is you can get lucky in golf and hit great shots. Doesn’t mean you are doing it right. See the big picture and work towards building a great swing. A great swing hits great shots.

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