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A Great Swing Starts With A Great Set Up Plus This
Paul Wilson
on September 29, 2013
Tags: golf set up fundamentalsgolf setup routineSetup
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
17 Responses to “A Great Swing Starts With A Great Set Up Plus This”
September 29, 2013
JohnFraserIn doing all of this loose, free, effortless swing, allowing the club to go where it wants, there is the concern about club path, or swing plane. If we are using the effortless swing as you describe, how is the club path/swing plane maintained. There must be some control by the arms to insure it is delivering the club path to insure consistent contact with the ball?
September 29, 2013
Paul WilsonJohn,
You are using simple physics to hit the ball. This is mass (club) swinging around an axis (your body). If you do nothing to mass and turn the axis the mass will move towards 90 degrees to the axis 100% of the time. So keep your arms turned off as you come down. Focus on getting your body turning and shifting to start down. If you do, you will hit it perfectly on line.
Flatten Plane 1:
Flatten Plane 2:
September 29, 2013
What a coincidence!
I have always thought that a good setup plus a good takeaway produce a good swing.
Yesterday,as I was beginning the back nine,I purposely decided to feel the pressure in the left side during the back swing.
What followed was pure magic because I played Par, Par, Par, Bogey, Par, Birdie, Par, Double bogey, Bogey.
Not bad for an old 14 handicapper eh?
Your video has confirmed it’s a very good thought. Thanks.
September 30, 2013
Paul WilsonEriab,
Very good. Sometime it all clicks. Hopefully it stays with you.
October 1, 2013
The feeling was so good and so natural. For the first time, I felt a brief pause at the top of my back swing.
I will make sure that feeling stays with me.
October 1, 2013
Paul WilsonEriab,
Very good. Keep at it.
September 30, 2013
HowardMillerThanks Paul. Your lesson adds perfectly to what Pete just instructed me to focus on yesterday. Your coaching is brilliant.
October 1, 2013
HaroldBaldockIt works. I just keep thinking effortless, powerless arms are there for the ride. Allow arms to extend for fairway woods. Relax and keep focus. I am at 30 handicap now, lowest ever. Got a chance to play with two pros for $12 tomorrow. Will keep same strategy but will be very observant. Thanks Paul.
October 1, 2013
Paul WilsonHarold,
Don’t let playing with pros scare you. We all started out playing the game the same.
October 2, 2013
HaroldBaldockPaul, I think of it as an oppurtunity to watch and observe and most especially relax and have fun. No matter how I play today, I think your help has been illuminating for me . I will continue with doing my best to get this 56 year old body moving the best I can with effortless arms loose wrists and torque. Position A -Position B and let those arms stretch out in between.
October 2, 2013
Paul WilsonHarold,
Relax and have fun. I like those words.
October 2, 2013
HaroldBaldockMediocre scores all around, however a great day with some valuable insight. Also I am more confident in overcoming the stage fright of having people watch that for some reason I think i need to impress them. More important to focus on how one handles themselves when it goes bad. Enjoy learning from you Paul. Hope your day a good one
October 2, 2013
Paul WilsonHarold,
Forget your friends and trying to impress them. What will impress them is coming out with a great swing where you look like you are going to shoot 65. So keep working on perfecting you positions. A great swing will allow you to hit great shots. I keep telling everyone this. Hopefully, you and they are listening.
October 3, 2013
HaroldBaldockThanks for all your support. One question I asked the pros was ” at what age did you start golfing?” Both Paul And Lauren replied about 11 yrs old. I probably don’t have to say that both used effortless arms (by my humble observation). I can also say Lauren had the better swing, so smooth and like it was no effort at all. She hit 50 meters further than me almost every time. Also, be assured my eyes and ears are open. I am listening to you and and other advisors of ignition golf with full attention. It’s all good mate as we say in Australia. Harold
October 3, 2013
Paul WilsonHarold,
As I say most pros started as kids. The slow effortless swing is the way to go. Unfortunately, this is deceiving. Although it looks effortless the effort is used to turn the body not to hit with the arms. The body then tells the arms how fast to swing. Keep his effortless image in mind the next time you play and practice. You can’t go wrong.
December 14, 2013
RaymondCHASTELPaul ,Regarding kids ,I was a First s
December 15, 2013
Paul WilsonRaymond,
Great thanks.
STC is definitely in line with what I teach. I just like knowing exact positions so I can repeat it.