There Are Good Signs To Bad Shots

By | on November 26, 2023 | 6 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

6 Responses to “There Are Good Signs To Bad Shots”

  1. June 16, 2020


    greetings Coach: no question but a comment. For a long time i have been looking up before i hit the ball not always but i do it. I tried not to but could’t stop.I have been using your drill of swinging with the club with no ball,i forget what you call it dosen’t matter i .do it often and the other day i thought if you wanted us to swing without a ball why not use that same idea on the course.I also remembered you say something about looking behind the ball to stay behind the ball.Yesterday i decided to put that thought to the test.I am confident in my swing after all these years with you. I looked behind the ball until i could not see it and i made my swing.The result was everything i hoped it would be my best ball striking ever’used it on shots except chipping. Just want you to know still watching and learning Thanks Coach

    • Great stuff!! Keep up the good work and definitely keep me posted on your progress. I love to hear from everyone’s journey to better golf.

  2. Hi Paul,
    Great Number 1 tip. Been there on all fronts. You did a nice job in describing the fix for hooking.
    I can find the video’s for the fat shots and pushes on the website but wandering if you want to comment briefly on the two. Best, Don Forrester

  3. July 7, 2020


    Paul as you know I’ve been a member of the site for a number of years now. Your instruction has really made a positive difference in my golf game and consequently my enjoyment of the game. Recently I arrived at the course late and squeezed in about 3 quick swings on the range before I had to head to the 1st tee. You can see where this story is going… I never got in sync all day and after hitting poor shots I reverted to “hitting” the ball and had very few good shots at all that day.

    Today I played and decided that my swing thought was going to be “Do not try to help the shot in any way.” (i.e. maintaing powerless arms). Man-o-man what a difference a day makes! I had quality shots all day. I literally repeated that phrase in my head prior to each shot and it worked.
    All the best,

    • Great Story! There is a trust factor involved, most people have experienced that one shot before which feels like the effortless power swing. Now you have tried it and felt it, it’ll just keep getting easier for you. Keep up the good work and please keep me updated on your progress.

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