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Golf Lesson – Position 2 – Touch Head
Paul Wilson
on March 20, 2018
Tags: Follow Throughpositiontouch head
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
10 Responses to “Golf Lesson – Position 2 – Touch Head”
March 20, 2018
johnhoylegreatings coach: when you line up a put that breaks one way or another after you aim the club face and you are ready to make the stroke do you look at the hole or at the place where the putter head Is pointed?
March 20, 2018
StevenSeelyPaul : Is the circular turn of the hips with passive arms and wrists the key to having the club shaft touch the neck parallel? I hit some really good shots today, but the parallel neck touch was elusive. Suggestions?
March 21, 2018
Paul WilsonSteven,
Parallel to your ears is 90 degrees to the axis. Mass moves its fastest at 90 degrees. This is why pro after pro is in this position. If you are not in this position you are misguiding the club, not turning properly or too tight. I know it’s for people to loosen up so I want you physicall setting it there until it goes there every time. Just do it at home in a mirror. Swing through and hold it. Find the position. Then try to go right to the position fluidly. Don’t cheat.
Are You Cheating In The Follow Through:
Follow Through Mistakes – Club:
March 21, 2018
Paul WilsonJohn,
I look at the ball. I don’t get fixated on it though. You can do either.
March 20, 2018
ThomasLiebI was practicing this today and it was working pretty well. I was hitting balls straight and making good contact but not much distance. Was that because I am still learning the turn and not smooth and fast yet? Also how do you feel about practicing a swing with a doughnut weight on the club, it seems it makes me relax the arms more.
March 21, 2018
Paul WilsonThomas,
Don’t worry about the distance. You are doing something new and working on the positions. You are not good at it. Confidence breeds distance.
So build the swing. Make it look like a pros swing. Then work on driving the legs and hips faster for more power.
Don’t swing with a weighted club. If so, your clubs will feel light which is the opposite to how they should feel. They should feel heavy. Also, they proved that swinging a heavy object decreases clubhead speed.
March 21, 2018
DenishoulihanWhat professional golfers use your body swing and
Do you have any teaching partners in the UK that follow your principles .
March 21, 2018
Paul WilsonDenis,
I have taught some pros in the past but none on tour. If you are looking for examples the best one would be Louis Oosthuizen. This would be a good example of the swing I teach. Rory would be good too although he does swing harder at it.
I do not have a UK teacher. I did (my cousin) but he kind of disappeared on me. For people who cannot make it here we offer swing analysis and live skype lessons. These work great as we can see what you are doing and explain what you need to work on. Just send us video or do it live if you have an camera set up on an ipad, computer or phone.
More info here:
Swing Analysis:
Skype Lessons:
March 22, 2018
BarrieMasonHi Paul played today after working on your swing on range all week. My accuracy was very good off tee but found that my short irons were coming up a club short to green . Is there anything I can work on to get the extra distance for my short irons as the accuracy was very good.
March 22, 2018
Paul WilsonBarrie,
You only have one swing so hitting only the short irons higher should not be happening. You are most likely doing a chicken wing. If so this adds loft to the club so you will hit it too high which would lose distance. Check out this tip:
You Are Hitting A 9 Iron:
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