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Golf Lesson – Position 1
Paul Wilson
on March 18, 2018
Tags: Follow Throughpositiontouch legs
Author Description

Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
21 Responses to “Golf Lesson – Position 1”
March 18, 2018
I am seeing improvement with your method. I am having a reoccurring problem usually on the back nine. I will be going along pretty well and then all of a sudden with driver I will hit a dead pull left with my upper body racing through. I took myself right out of a tournament yesterday with a triple bogie on 17. And lost by two strokes. Very frustrating is there a reason this would come on late in a round? And a suggestion on a fix or thought I am missing?
March 18, 2018
Paul WilsonThomas,
Glad you are doing well.
There are a few reasons you pulled that shot. Maybe you were feeling good and you went after it. If so, the arms took over and outpaced your body in the downswing. I just saw Tiger do this in the tournament today as he tried to kill it. You can also be getting tired. As you get tired in the legs and hips your arms take over. You need to see the club as mass. Your body is the axis. In no way do you want to pull the club down or help the club hit the ball. I know it feels good to hit but you run the risk of pulling it. Just let it go. Remember this tip next time you go to play:
Coming Down The Stretch: https://ignitiongolf.com/how-to-finish/
March 18, 2018
GLENNWISSEJust noticed Tiger is touching the legs. Truly validates your teaching. Awesome video Paul. thank you.
March 18, 2018
Paul WilsonGlenn,
He sure is. So was Rory and DeChambeau and many others. This is one of the positions I saw many years ago that the pros were doing. If they do it, so should you. Glad you see it.
March 18, 2018
Jean-ClaudeHERITIERhello Paul I am able to do that with irons because my stand it’s not to o wide but i have great difficulty to touch my knees when i use my driver
do you have an another drill for the drive ?
March 18, 2018
Paul WilsonJean-Claude,
There is no other drill. Narrow your stance to the point you can do it. Once you can do it widen your stance a little. Keep in mind with driver the stance is wider so although they are touching the back leg is dropped back a little from the forward leg. Also keep in mind I want them to touch so you can do the exact same position each time because you get feedback of them touching.
March 18, 2018
PaulMitchellI just love your methods .Hitting the best balls ever AND still occasionally punching to the right.
They go straight for a bit then end up right of the target .
Any thoughts .
March 19, 2018
Paul WilsonPaul,
Probably just a little tight always remember right = tight. Or you are driving the lower too hard. Or you are coming out of it.
So you do the roll over drill for 5-10 shots. Then add body straighten it out.
DRILL: 3 Ways To Roll It Over: https://ignitiongolf.com/3-ways-to-roll/
Roll Around The Stick: https://ignitiongolf.com/roll-around-stick/
Clarifying the Roll Over Drill: https://ignitiongolf.com/clarifying-roll-drill/
Modified Roll Over Drill: https://ignitiongolf.com/modified-roll-over-drill/
March 18, 2018
StevenSeelyPaul: The urge to hit at the last minute is SO strong with many golfers (myself included); however, on some occasions when I am
totally relaxed and fluid with the driver, I turn, let the club follow and feel as though I’m pulling the club along with the body.
When this occurs, the ball goes straight and very long. The feeling is like I did nothing except turn and let the club, arms,
and hands follow. I guess that is what you mean when you refer to “dead” arms. I hope that eventually this “rare” feeling
becomes commonplace. I realize that if something feels different, even uncomfortable, it’s because it is new and different.
Thanks for the tips which I will be practicing until the moves become habit.
March 19, 2018
Paul WilsonSteven,
If you are thinking of hitting the ball you are not thinking of the follow through positions. So replace the thought of hitting with another thought. So you hit the top and your thinking touch the legs NOT hit the ball. If you are not thinking like this you are not making the follow through important. So see it differently. Hit easy shots not caring about the ball and try to do the follow through.
Hit, Hold and Check: https://ignitiongolf.com/hold-check-follow-through/
When Is Your Swing Over?: https://ignitiongolf.com/swing-club-touching-head/
How Far Around Should You Swing?: https://ignitiongolf.com/swing-how-far-around/
You need to also be doing the practice swings at home and when you play perfecting these positions.
How To Fix Impact: https://ignitiongolf.com/how-to-fix-impact/
So just keep doing it and making it important. If you do you will forget all about the ball. Instead you will know you will hit the shot when you do the follow through. See it differently.
March 19, 2018
RobertWongHi Paul,
I joined 2 months ago and extremely satisfied with your products and services. Your method is so much easier to learn than the other complicated systems I’ve tried, and more effective than training aids, which were just junk.
Regarding the Touch-The-Legs position, I was a bit inconsistent in the beginning. Then I figured out I needed to complete turning my hips to get my legs to touch, with the “feeling” of getting my right hip over my left toe.
So every now and then I use “RIGHT HIP OVER LEFT TOE” as my thought.
March 19, 2018
Paul WilsonRobert,
Thank you for the kind words. I truly appreciate it.
Yes, the hips need to turn perpendicular to the target when you are finished. I like your thought. I will have to try it. Thanks.
March 19, 2018
RobertWongActually it should be “TURN right hip over left toe”
March 20, 2018
Everything was going good. I was hitting the ball well, untill last week. I started shanking my shots. I have been fighting this the past two rounds and on the practice tees. It seems I can’t find the secret to correcting it. Any help?
March 20, 2018
Paul WilsonStephen,
You need to learn how to use Ignition Golf so you can find the fix instantly. In the red navigation bar to the right there is a search box. You type in Shank and anything I have done on this will come up. This way you don’t have to wait for me to answer it or you could have even fixed this when you were playing because you could have logged in on your phone, searched it and apply the fix.
Here you go:
Why You Shank It: https://ignitiongolf.com/why-you-shank-it/
How To Cure the Shanks: https://ignitiongolf.com/cure-shanks/
March 22, 2018
AlanKlimaThanks Paul,
I have to ask though — if you were going to teach the follow through angle directly, how might you do it? (I’m referring to where you say the not hitting and passive arms automatically results in the correct angle).
If you don’t want to teach how to, then what is that angle? Is there some other training where you say more about what it is that you specifically saw in the upper body photos in the Wilson ad?
March 22, 2018
Paul WilsonAlan,
Not sure what angle you are referring to? The angle between the club and left wrist as it re-hinges?
Let me know so I can send the right tips.
March 23, 2018
AlanKlimaThanks Paul,
“every one of those pros was tilted on an angle”
this is what you said in reference to the Wilson advert that is the preamble to this lesson.
Then you say “we’re not going to talk about the angle part”
So, I can’t really say what angle this is referring to.
It might just be the angle of the club at the end of follow through parallel to the ears? That happened to be today’s tip, as I’m writing this.
March 23, 2018
Paul WilsonAlan,
If you are not topping it don’t worry about the angle. Most people that follow me are not topping it so I am making it even more simple but not going into spine angle. Plus, coming out of it (standing up) is directly related to hitting with arms. The harder you hit the more you stand up. I am about powerless arms. So the more the person turns off the arms the more they get the spine angle.
So the angle is that your eyes would be on an angle when you watch the ball fly. The would not be level to the ground.
Spine Angle Follow Through: https://ignitiongolf.com/follow-through-eyes-tilted/
March 28, 2018
FrankHalsteadI think I found my trigger. The sudden and violent straightening of the left knee about five shots yesterday that I didn’t think I’d ever be able to make. The sequence and the timing will come.
March 28, 2018
Paul WilsonFrank,
Very good. People don’t realize how hard and fast I am doing this. Well, you found out. Now you just have to get used to it. Don’t hurt yourself.