Getting Unstuck.

By | on July 14, 2015 | 8 Comments | Array


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8 Responses to “Getting Unstuck.”

  1. Not helpful at all. Because no implementation instruction

    • Dear William ,I agree :Dave STATES the obvious ( Don’t stay in Circle 1 ) and doesn’t say how you should move to Circle 2 .
      As far as I remember ,hé does So in his Book” WIRED TO WIN” .But without being a Magician ,you should understand it takes a conscious strong effort to acheive That .Good luck .
      Such are ” gurus OF the mind ” and why I am Béware OF their teaching .
      The best learning is done Alone ,through trial and error .

      • YOU may think it’s obvious Raymond but it is NOT obvious to many golfers who constantly look for the next “great tip” only to experience disappointment and frustration when it doesn’t last over time. 90% tell me this.

        I also disagree that the best learning is done through trial and error. Too many golfers i work with have trialed and errored themselves to exhaustion:)

        If you keep applying ineffective things out of trial and error–the journey toward your desire takes much longer than necessary.

        As to your cynicism toward “gurus og the mind”–I AGREE WHOLEHEARTEDLY!
        \Much of what is offered is based on tips and psychology…and the folks who contact me have tried it all and want something that produces results NOW.

        • Nô offense intended towards you ,Dave .You’re not a ” GURU” ,You’re a sensible Man. With rational explanations .Some OF the ideas you dévelop ,I take ,some others I don’t!.As for ” TRIAL AND ERROR ” ,I Still believe it’s the best way to learn ,provided you Start With the right fundamentals . That’s where you have a rôle to play ,So to Start people on the right track ,not towards a dead end .
          Please go on ,I’m not the cynic you describe !I always try to learn ,though I’ m over 81 !

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            July 15, 2015


            No worries Raymond–none taken.

            I actually agreed with you on the “guru” comment. I don’t see myself as a “guru” anyway.

            Trial and error or personal experience IS the best form of learning–as long as you keep using the “best ingredients” and don’t keep floundering using the same kinds of trials causing the same errors. THAT was my only point.


  2. Hello William,

    There is no single “implementation” for what this video described.

    Not every video has to have a TIP. This was merely to “Slap” folks to wake up and see why so many continue to be frustrated. Offering a tip after just explaining why tips don’t last would have been silly.

    More “circle 1” stuff

    Good Luck

  3. Thanks for your insight Charles.

    Mr. Breslow I still can’t figure out what you’re talking about. Can you give me an example of a month in the life of somebody who’s making the transition from Circle 1 to Circle 2?

    Regards Bill

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