Get Off The First Tee Great

By | on July 15, 2024 | 8 Comments | Array


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8 Responses to “Get Off The First Tee Great”

  1. Certainly when I start over thinking my shots disaster can occur. What is the balance between “shot preperation ” (the routine) before my shots and keeping a quite mind? My preparation involves very specific thoughts and management of the game ahead.

  2. Hi Stephan,

    Great question!

    The balance you seek is the balance many golfers look for. It is more of a way of thinking…a point of view you want to consider.

    Try looking at it this way…you are using your left and right brain.
    Left brain is all about “thinking” (preparation).

    When you’re done with the thinking phase, you move to the right brain which is “letting go” because there is nothing left to do once done thinking and planning is there?.

    See it like a light switch. When the switch is in the “down” position–you are thinking, deciding and so on.

    When finished, “flip the switch to the up position” to the “letting go” position and you will engage that part of you that does not require anything (letting go/surrender).

    The issue so many have is in allowing their thinking mind to “run on and on) so when over the ball–IT’S STILL WORKING and in truth–you simply don’t need it anymore!:)

    Let us know what happens Stephan!

  3. June 20, 2012


    Hi Doc
    What you teach does make a lot of sense. Sometimes I feel like you are talking directly to me. Thanks for your insights. Happy to have you on board with Paul.
    Mark K

  4. September 10, 2013


    Nice one Dave.

  5. Avatar photo

    September 10, 2013

    David Breslow

    Thank You ERIABBERA!

  6. October 15, 2019


    David, your tips dovetail so well with Paul Wilson’s approach to golf. Thanks, they have really helped me. Since subscribing to Ignition Golf, my index has gone from 22 to 13.9. Thanks again.

  7. Avatar photo

    October 15, 2019


    As always, U ROCK! Between yourself, Paul and Jeremy my attitude, demeanor, physical fitness, swing positions etc. have all improved greatly, in turn>improving my game.
    Big thank you to all of you!

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