Tip 3 – Cupped or Flat Wrist at the Top of the Backswing?

By | on January 5, 2012 | 12 Comments | Array

In this video I explain why you should have the wrist of the lead arm slightly cupped at the top of the backswing as opposed to being flat. Once you understand it and work on it you will be in a better position as the club starts down.


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

12 Responses to “Tip 3 – Cupped or Flat Wrist at the Top of the Backswing?”

  1. November 12, 2013


    Great video Paul have seen a lot of clips where they say your wrist must be flat you explain it very well.

    • November 13, 2013

      Paul Wilson


      Glad you liked it. This is a very important position. Get this wrong and it could be disastrous.

      • January 24, 2014


        For sure this was one of the main reasons i sliced the ball that along with using my arms to much and is a tip that a lot more people should be watching and and using in there swing.
        Just loving your clips and tips also bought swing machine golf and have changed my game completely started at 24 went out to 29 now im off 20 and dropping cant thank you enough.
        It took me months of hard work frustration and lots and lots of practise to get where i am right now
        my friends cant believe how much i have improved and how much further i hit the ball
        once again many thanks

        • January 25, 2014

          Paul Wilson


          Glad you are improving. I love hearing it.

          Just take it one step at a time working through each of the positions and trying to develop a great swing. As you get better it becomes a whole new game.

          • January 27, 2014


            Will do
            The only thing i am having trouble with is i keep bending my right arm at the top of my swing (left handed) thus losing a lot of swing arc.
            I really enjoy this website but there is one thing that i think you could improve
            that is when we post comments and you reply to them there is no way of knowing that you have replied
            then we have to remember witch actual clip we were watching so we can see if you have
            perhaps some kind of a notification?
            once again i really enjoy this website and your tips and cant thank you enough.

          • January 28, 2014

            Paul Wilson


            You should be getting a notification when I reply. Please check your spam folder.

            Bending your right arm does not mean you are losing arc width. I bend my left arm and do not lose width so does Jack Nicklaus and many other top pros. It is about having this lead arm extended at set up, impact, and the release point after impact where both arms are fully extended. So I think you are looking in the wrong place.

            What you be doing is turning of your arms and working on full extension down and through/past impact. The harder you hit the tighter your arms the more they contract thus creating a chicken wing as you hit the ball.

            Start here:

            Lead Arm at Top: https://ignitiongolf.com/left-arm-backswing


            How to Release the Golf Club: https://ignitiongolf.com/impact-wrist-release


            Wide Arc: https://ignitiongolf.com/wide-arc

            DRILL: Another Way To Widen The Arc: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-widen-arc/


            How To Cure A Chicken Wing

  2. March 10, 2016


    Hey Paul, cupping my wrist at the top has been a problem for me since I started playing. I use the neutral grip you teach but still have bad cupping. My club face is wide open at the top and Its causing me all types of problems.

    Only way I can hit solid is to use your neutral grip then at set up close the face a few degrees. Wrist is still cup at the top of the backswing but the clubface is not pointed straight down and its in line with my forearm like it should be.

    My questions are. When you are at the top of your backswing what do you feel in your left wrist? Is it like you are cranking down on the throttle of a motorbike? Cause that’s what I feel. Or is it like casting a fishing pole, thumb bending straight back towards bicep.
    And do you have to be aware of which way your wrist is cocking because if I don’t fight it and just let it go it seems to wanna severely cup and be wide open.

    • March 10, 2016


      I just wanna swing the club and not worry about the club face and not try and manipulate my wrist. using your neutral grip and setting up with face a few degrees closed is a bandaid I know it allows me to swing freely and at least have a chance at square impact. Thanks

      • March 10, 2016

        Paul Wilson


        I like to do things right but if this quick fix is doing what you want it to do then keep going with it.

    • March 10, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      I would want to see the grip because in all the years I have taught I rarely see anyone doing it right. Also, you need to watch this tip:

      How To Stop Over-Cupping At The Top of the Backswing: https://ignitiongolf.com/stop-over-cupping-at-top/

      Then if the face is still open you are fanning the club open as you go back. So you need to work on the takeaway to halfway back point:

      One Piece Takeaway: https://ignitiongolf.com/master-one-piece-takeaway/
      DRILL: Takeaway and Up: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-takeaway-and-up/
      Halfway Back: https://ignitiongolf.com/halfway-back/

      I am not thinking of this wrist like a throttle. I feel it hinge and the club set. There is a slight angle. If you feel you are overcupping you could also try bowing your wrist (like Dustin Johnson) for while so you stop doing it. So overdo it for while. If you just go from way cupped to a little cupped you will go back to being way cupped. So this is why you would over do it for a while. This will actually shut the face and cause you to hook it but you will have to go through this to get rid of it forever.

  3. August 3, 2016


    Thanks. It too me awhile but your advise was correct. My back swing was messing me up. I was fanning the face and breaking my wrist”two piece takeaway ” as soon as I was leaving the ball. I went back to your one piece takeaway lessons specifically the ones where you talked about feelings. It was very helpful. Now I don’t have the cupped wrist and I’m at a great position at the top. Just wanted to say thanks for explaining things so in depth. You’re the best

    • August 3, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      Very good. Glad you liked it. You want to be in a great position to start down.

      The Importance of Setting the Backswing: https://ignitiongolf.com/importance-setting-backswing/

      Fanning it open and cupped at the top is tough. Now you should see some way better shots. It will be way easier to square the face reducing the loft on your clubs giving you more distance as well.

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