Frog Leg Bridge

By | on May 10, 2023 | 8 Comments | Array


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8 Responses to “Frog Leg Bridge”

  1. Jeremy: Do you have any specific recommendations for low back pain related to mild spinal stenosis? Appreciate any recommendations, Thanks…Byron Kallam MD

    • Hi Byron,
      Thanks for the question. As you know, it’s very difficult for me to give you the best recommendations because every “mild stenosis” is different depending on the individual. Any recommendation I give must be very general based more on textbook-like treatment. Having said that, please know the ideas I give you now should not increase pain or any other symptoms you may be dealing with so please stop if they do. Stenosis usually comes with low back pain and likely pain, weakness, or tingling down one leg. Also, symptoms typically worsen with standing and/or walking (especially uphill). Stenosis is often related to posture… especially lumbar extension, ie lower back curvature similar to a back-bend. Therefore, Pelvic Tilts and Hip Flexor Stretches are excellent. Here are titles in the Flexibility tab above that I’ve done that should help:

      1. Help Relieve Low Back Pain – should be extremely helpful
      2. Introduction to the Foam Roller – in particular around the 4:35 time mark of the video.
      3. How to Gain More Power through Better Hip Mobility – 1:28 time mark I show you how to do the kneeling hip flexor stretch.
      4. Strengthening the Power House of your Golf Swing – 1:45 I show you the basic Bridge with a Pelvic Tilt (@ 2:45 mark)

      Furthermore, lower back arch during your golf swing could be a very bad thing. An S-curve posture is one that accentuates lumbar curve at set up. Avoid this by doing a mild pelvic tilt at set up by using your abdominal muscles to lift the belt buckle side or your pelvis upwards more towards the horizon. Maintaining that to some degree during your swing should be very helpful.

      If you’re ever in San Diego look me up… very complicated issue but with some very promising outcomes when treated correctly… especially if we can apply it properly to your actual set up and swing.
      Jeremy Kinkhamer, PT

  2. Jeremy ,Is holding the position 2/3 seconds at the top enough ,or should it be longer ( 15 seconds or More ) ?
    Also ,another variation could be doing it at full Speed …
    What do you think about this ?

    • Hi Raymond,
      This is one of those exercises you can do at any tempo. It all depends on your purpose for the exercise, ie muscular endurance, speed or strength. If for speed, don’t add any significant resistance. If for strength, you can put exercise tubing around your waist and hold it to the ground on both sides of you with your hands if you like.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  3. November 12, 2015


    Have been using many of your tips since a member and some I can do and some I can’t – that is life as you get old (73)

    I have been using one of Paul’s favorite drills in swinging the club many times and a few before hitting the ball.

    Now my arms are aching and even hard to lift above my head. getting better, but it has been a PAIN. Besides resting and not playing for a few days — What do you suggest to get back to normal?


    • Couple things… it sounds like you’re using your arms to swing in those drills which may spark a bit of need to go back and either review the drill or let Paul know what you’re feeling so he may be able to diagnose from a distance. Regardless, you’re dealing with an over-use injury it sounds like. Similar to someone that starts to run again and decides to run A LOT their first time out. This causes an acute inflammatory response in multiple muscle groups and joint material. Rest, ice, pain-free stretching/exercise and physician approval for anti-inflammatories would be suggested.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  4. January 13, 2016


    I am experiencing ocassional problems with weakness in left hip, with symptoms like those of a laybrum tear. Stretching usually helps, but problem resurfaces some with increased speed of hips. Is there an exercise that works better for this problem?

    • Hi Larry,
      You should certainly have your hip examined by a physician to see if further diagnostic tests are necessary. If in fact it is a labral tear, if it’s small, conservative treatment is often successful. Flare-ups are expected though. “Pinching” in the front will persist typically, but your goal should be to increase internal and external range of motion if it’s limited, especially for a golfer. Find a good PT for that. You’ll want to stay away from hip hyperextension (lunges with the affected leg behind you) and seated strengthening exercises (seated quad extensions or hamstring curls). You should be better off with things like core stabilization, lateral lunges, squats while squeezing a medium-large ball b/w knees or separating knees with band, Side stepping with bands. All should be pain-free though.
      Hope this helps,
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

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