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Foot Position Makes Turning Easier
Paul Wilson
on May 21, 2011
Tags: Foot Position Golf SetupSetupTurn Forward Foot Out Setup
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
5 Responses to “Foot Position Makes Turning Easier”
October 14, 2014
RonCalabreseWow, Paul, another thing to work on. Sometimes my foot actually leaves the ground and It spins to the left. The next time I go to the range, I’ll use the stake idea.
Thanks again, Ron
August 8, 2017
AndrewRobsonHi Paul,
Thanks for pointing me to this tip, it is one I had not seen because I have only been a member a little over 2 years and this is an older one. It is a good one to help with the pieces of the puzzle. I am finding by thinking of the inside of the front foot as I come through it is helping prevent me from sliding which is something I struggle with.
Thanks for all the great tips,
August 10, 2017
Paul WilsonAndrew,
This is vital in the good golf swing. You keep that foot straight and you will not do the touch the legs position.
Glad you like the tips and are a long time member. I truly appreciate it.
November 30, 2018
Another great tip that I only found because you had linked it from another tip. The Q&A after each tip really makes Ignition Golf valuable.
I noticed on my swing videos that I roll to the inside of the left foot on the backswing then just prior to the downswing turn it to a more flared, open position. As an old baseball player, I wonder if this tendency is from “striding” into the pitch and I am subconsciously carrying this into my golf swing. And perhaps in those video swings I am trying to swing too hard.
My best on-course thought is swing easy (50%). It surprises me how effortless it can be and gives me an almost Zen-like satisfaction. And the ball really rockets off the club face.
I’ve played for 55 years and always followed a natural instinct to just “hit” the ball – like hitting a rock with a stick. I was a solid 8 handicap in my youth due to a good short game. But I didn’t have a system and every swing felt like a new adventure. Now, with Paul Wilson golf, I have a sound swing method with processes that I can self-troubleshoot and fall back on. If I had this info then, I know I could have play Division I college golf like my HS teammates. I’m just so grateful that I found you now and in retirement have an excellence quest that fulfills my need to achieve and be successful. Golf is fun again! Thanks Paul!
November 30, 2018
Paul WilsonMicheal,
Glad you liked it. I wish I could have gotten answers to my questions years ago.
I do this a little too. It is just not enough weight on it. If you don’t have enough weight on it it can twist. More weight on it and it can’t. If it is a little it won’t hurt you. Too much twist is not good.
I have a tip on it here:
Stop Twisting Front Foot:
Yes, if only we could turn back the clock. I was around back then teaching what I teach today. With the internet now people can find me easier. Stay focused and you will be lower than an 8 for years to come. As you can see you don’t need to be strong to be loose.