Flexibility and the Reverse Pivot

By | on November 6, 2024 | 7 Comments | Array


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7 Responses to “Flexibility and the Reverse Pivot”

  1. November 2, 2012


    i do this, but only at the very end of my backswing, or at the start of my way down. Im in very good shape, my core is strong. I know I do it but I cant stop it. it like im lifting my arms for ‘extra power”…I hate this. it causes on over the top push fade or a pull! AHHHHH i’m ready to quit golf!

    • Hi Gordon,
      It sounds like your “extra power” move is doing exactly the opposite effect isn’t it?!?! Don’t quit, once you rid yourself of this move (which I’m sure you will) you’ll open the doors to new potential and a whole new outlook on your golf game. I’ll let Paul address this more but I have a feeling once you discover a move stable backswing and an improved plane you’ll see more power with less effort. Dig deep… is it a swing flaw because of knowledge? physical limitation? mental approach? All phases are here for you… keep at it.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  2. November 2, 2012


    Jeremy – Do you have a program for core development?

    • Hi Mark,
      Thanks for the question. I plan on downloading more videos on Paul’s site that deal with core development. As of now I have 2 that are applicable:
      1. What is the Core?
      2. Build Your Upper Body Strength for More Power
      For golfers specifically, I’m a big fan of the Pelvic Tilt series, Dead Bug series and all types of static and dynamic Planks. Stay tuned for more Core Development videos…
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  3. March 19, 2015


    Hi Jeremy, thanks for this.

    I have a couple of exercise questions to go along with this…

    1. The travel club. Paul rec’s the “momentus” travel club…it’s a heavy short club that breaks into two pieces. I have it with me on the road as I travel a good deal. I take it to the gym and work with it in the mirror (as long as I’m not going to bash anyone!). So my question: with the move back that maintains the 10 inches (with a club) is your thought to go back and stop and then repeat or are you thinking rotate back, uncoil forward to your starting point, rotate back….It might seem like a dumb question but I’m always trying to merge my physical experience at setup and in the swing with the training feeling that I get when I work in the gym on these exercises…which leads me to question 2:

    2: With the medicine ball…I like this exercise and have been doing something like it for some time…I’m wondering what you think about:
    a. doing this exercise standing on a bosu…and if this is a good idea should we feel some tilt in the bosu with the back foot a bit lower as we’re loading up when we rotate back maintaining the 10 inches
    b. and (not on the bosu or with the bosu) rotating back and then firing forward with the medicince ball tossing it down the line (Against a wall or a backstop, etc)…good idea/ bad idea? for lower back care and also for balance?

    Thanks Jeremy.

    Craig Smith

    • Hi Craig,
      Thanks for the questions and taking time to organize your thoughts:
      1. Both. Learning to feel this move in the backswing is great to do first. Learning to feel it during the transition is going to be a great way to make this productive as you take it to actual swings and drills.
      2. a. Absolutely… you’re on the right track. Creating more instability from ‘products’ will force more stability in you if you do the exercise correctly and watch what you’re doing in a mirror.
      b. Excellent idea. Slow allows brain-body awareness… throwing helps create power, sequencing and a connection to your sport.
      Thanks Craig,
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  4. Perfect fix. You nailed my problem

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