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How I Would Fix Tiger’s Swing
Paul Wilson
on August 24, 2012
Tags: how to fix tigers swingtiger woods golf swingtour pros
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
18 Responses to “How I Would Fix Tiger’s Swing”
August 25, 2012
WadeThamesPaul, what years did you work with Tiger?
August 25, 2012
Paul WilsonWade, I worked with Tiger for 2+ hours when he was 17 at Windermere Country Club in Orlando.
August 25, 2012
DanCharpentierI liked this video, it shows your knowledge of the golf swing and how others teach different methods,,I am looking forward to your video tip you mentioned you were going to produce about the speed at which you rotate your lower body. Hope to see you soon in Vegas for another lesson,,,
August 25, 2012
Paul WilsonDan, Thank you very much. I shot this video. I will not be releasing it for a few weeks (unless I change my mind). It is part of my power series. I was wanting to do them in order. I shot 46 tips to post while our course is closed so stay tuned. Lots more to come.
August 25, 2012
JaySchwarzWith these changes in Tiger’s swing, what makes the ball fade?
August 26, 2012
Paul WilsonJay, The ball is fading because the face is aimed at the target and his body is aimed left of target. This means the face is open to his alignment. This is how Jack did it as well as Faldo and others. New ball flight law guys would disagree but there has to be a reason it works. I will explain it in the future.
August 26, 2012
BryanRhoadesSuch a neat tip Paul. All of us who follow your method probably have thought at one time or the other what you’d do w/ Tiger if you were his coach now. Very neat stuff!!!
August 26, 2012
Paul WilsonBryan, Thank you very much. Now I just have to get him to call me.
August 27, 2012
RonCalabreseHi Paul. I just signed up for the yearly membership and watched the video on Tiger Woods. Obviously, Tiger is not the player he once was, but how do you explain his consistently good scores in the 1st 2 rounds of a tournament, followed by mediocre, at best, 3rd and 4th rounds? He doesn’t seem to be able to sustain whatever he’s done in the 1st 2 rounds. Is this a mental or physical issue?
August 28, 2012
Paul WilsonRon, Than you for joining.
I explain this because there is a simple fact. Tiger is a great player who knows how to get the ball in the hole and he has a great shot game. Even his better rounds has him hitting it off the planet. It just so happens that he gets it up and down or has a sting of good holes. Obviously, this swing is not working because he cannot do it over 4 rounds and he is not even close to where he was in 2000-2003.
August 28, 2012
HermanKohHi Paul,
My brother is about to pick up golf and he is not sure whether he should adopt/learn the rotary swing / conventional swing or the new stack and tilt method. My question is which would you recommend and why? Also I am just curious what do you think of this stack and tilt method? Thanks.
August 28, 2012
Paul WilsonI would recommend my method. Why? I teach a 2 plane swing. The great majority of the best golfers of all time use/used this swing. Why would you want to do anything else. Look at Jack and Tiger in 2001-2003 and Rory. Those are the swings I would suggest people learn from.
S&T – Why would you want to do a reverse pivot? No sport has you doing this move. The only way to get the club back down to the ball from this position is to slide laterally in the downswing. This is not a consistent motion. Plus it gives you a reverse C finish which will hurt your back.
August 31, 2012
HermanKohThanks Paul for the clarification above. Will let my brother know not to even consider the other golf swing methods. Did some research on the internet, to find out more about this 1 or 2 plane swing. Many of the articles/pro’s have different views on this. Would it be possible to let me know what is the difference between the 1 plane and the 2 plane swing? Have you done a tip on this 1 or 2 plane swing? Can’t seem to find it on the navigational toolbar above.
Thanks again.
August 31, 2012
Paul WilsonOne plane is when the left arm is parallel to the shoulder line at the top. Also, the golfer using this type of swing is trying to keep the club parallel to the plane line throughout the swing. The 2 plane swing has the club leaving this plane line as the golfer goes into the backswing. The left arm is above the shoulder line. It re-joins the plane line in the downswing.
My thoughts are:
You do not hit the ball going back so keeping it on the plane line is not that important going back. There have been many great golfers who were not on plane going back.
As you start down if you keep the arms powerless and turn your body first the mass (club) will flatten towards 90 degrees to the axis (body) in the downswing 100% of the time. This is why a 2 plane swinger such a Jim Furyk can still get the club back on plane.
As I said before most of the best golfers of all time were 2 plane swingers.
I do not have a 1 plane 2 plane video.
March 26, 2016
Watched a highlight reel from 2002 Masters of Tiger. Yup very much more upright and I was actually watching it to see hip turn and spine angle of his thru the swing. Could argue he was watching Swing Machine Golf Channel back then, except he abbreviated follow through on short irons a lot. But was interesting for me to watch this through a whole new lens as your student…can see the key positions you teach, especially on follow through when he was hitting perfect drives. Clubshaft across the ears and looking at the final shot thru tilted eyes. Is fun to see these and have a much better understabdng why the pros can be so consistent, etc. No longer such a mystery.
March 27, 2016
Paul WilsonKim,
I have always said Tiger 2001 to 2003 was the best swing of all time. I totally agree with you. He was certainly doing the positions I teach. He is getting back to it but not quite there yet. Be interesting to see how he does.
January 11, 2019
Steve WeberHi Paul,
Just curious what you think of Justin Thomas swing compared to the ones you mention above? Seems like he hits a lot of the positions but has that kind of karate move at the bottom. I would never try to copy it just wondered what you thought. Hard to see him swinging like that in his 40s?
January 11, 2019
Paul WilsonSteve,
He has a good move. Little too upright for my liking. Little too bowed in the lead wrists coming down too. Maybe that is why he has that appearance so he can square the face. Not sure how long it will last but I would think he will back it off in the future. I was watching a little of the golf last night and was watching his move. Although the swing revolves around 3 elements each has their own flare. This varies from pro to pro. The thing is if you have done certain moves for a long time they are ingrained. No one else would be able to do them to the level they are. It is what make each golfer unique.