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How To Fix A Chicken Wing – Part 6
Paul Wilson
on August 6, 2024
Tags: fix a chicken wing golfget rid of chicken wing golfImpact
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
5 Responses to “How To Fix A Chicken Wing – Part 6”
June 25, 2012
BryanRhoadesThis is just simply an incredible tip and series on the chicken wing. One of the things I love about your swing series & tips is the ability I have now to self diagnos on the course now. I actually caught myself in this type if finish when I was playing the other day & immediately said “oh man…I just chicken winged!! My next swing thought was just….extend & release club & touch those legs!!!” I then hit a 7 iron flush 160 right to the center of a green effortlessly. Keep em comin Paul!!
June 25, 2012
Paul WilsonThanks Bryan. Self diagnosis is huge. This saves a lot of time and frustration. Once I knew exactly what to work on anytime I had a problem it was like a huge weight was lifted. Keep up the good work.
June 25, 2012
MikePlummerHi Paul, I agree with Bryan a really great tip. It seems strange but my history with “chicken winging” is so ingrained in my swing that I pick up good things from all your tips but only partially put them into use. So my shots and games have improved, but there is so much more waiting for me as I make the transition to Swing Machine Golf. My golf release has been a big issue and this tip along with the elbow tips is really helping. I will continue to work on your tips and am glad you keep them coming.
Thanks for all the time and effort you put into helping us develop a really great golf swing!
June 25, 2012
Paul WilsonIt does take time and effort to make changes to your swing. This is why I like people to do tons of practice swings. Without the ball you can make sure you are doing it right. The more you do it right the faster you will get it. If you just keep hitting ball after ball you intertwine the old with the new so it will take longer to master the new move (if you master it at all). So keep doing the new stuff way more than the old. I like a minimum of a 3:1 ratio. 3 right moves to every 1 wrong move. If you can get this ratio or better you will make changes really fast.
June 14, 2021
RobinWilliams-SteenI agree with everything said above. I find that if I say “50%” and then focus on touch the knees and touch the head, the ball magically goes twice as far and very straight. I don’t even feel that I struck the ball. It feels magical. It’s still a little weird to me, but definitely the less effort I put in, the further that ball goes. I’m having fun even if I’m over-shooting the greens sometimes. With time I will get my distances more consistent. I have put the ball within a few feet of the pin several times on the par 3 holes. Helps make up for my bad putting. Ha ha ha!