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Hitting Shots With Your Feet Together or Not?
Paul Wilson
on December 29, 2024
Tags: feet position golfgolf swing feetgolf swing hinginggolf tilt
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
12 Responses to “Hitting Shots With Your Feet Together or Not?”
August 13, 2019
RICKOshanaCan you help me find drills or tips on passive arms?
August 22, 2019
Paul WilsonRick,
I have tons of tips on all aspects of the swing. Please go to GOLF TIPS in the red navigation bar on any page. Hove of it. The sub menu will drop down. Go to FULL SWING and the different areas of the swing are categorized. Just go to powerless arms.
Also, red navigation bar to the right you can type in the search box anything you are looking for and all tips will come up on that topic.
August 13, 2019
johnhoylegreetings coach my question .sometimes my shots go straight but go left side of the fairway what am i doing wrong
August 22, 2019
Paul WilsonJohn,
You are pulling it.
Definitive Tip To Cure Pulls and Pull Hooks:
Pull 2 (expanding on it):
Body Tilt – Left Right: Coming Over the Top:
See The Good In A Pull and Pull Hook:
Check you alignment too. You need to be parallel left of target as you set up.
August 13, 2019
johnhoylecoach i am aming at the target and not wanting to go left of it.
August 14, 2019
Just for once, I don’t quite understand your point. What is the feet-together-drill supposed to teach in the first place anyway? And if it is easier to hit with feet together why should one spread them apart at all??
Everything you teach is just great, by the way!
August 22, 2019
Paul WilsonClaude,
The closer your feet the closer you are to a single axis. The easier it is to square the face. You can certainly do this. Problem is that the faster you swing the more you will lose balance. So we spread the feet. When you do you now have 2 axis in your swing. This moves the release point ahead of the ball not right in front of you so it’s harder to consistently square the face.
I explain this in the tip. You need to watch it again.
August 14, 2019
GordonStoreyHi Paul
I think I do most things well, but do have a reverse pivot tendency. In the shift to the back inside instep I know what I should feel but need a visual cue for my head. What should I be seeing at, or near the top of, the back swing – in terms of – do you see your left shoulder between the ball and the eyes, or a spot on the back of the ball, or is there some other visual cue where I can say “Yes”?
August 22, 2019
Paul WilsonGordon,
If your head moves going back you would see the back of the ball. I have done this tip here:
Watch Back of The Golf Ball:
Another Way To Stay Behind It:
If you coil properly you would also see the left shoulder coming around and the seam on your shirt pointing behind the ball at the top.
Increase Shoulder Turn (seam on shirt):
Finally, here is what I see:
What I See As I Hit Shots:
August 14, 2019
richardpeyserPaul could you explain the helicopter drill in relation to the swing. With the helicopter drill you keep the shoulders level, but in looking at the swing here and on other videos the right should does drop and even more so when you are tilting in the down swing. please clarify
August 22, 2019
Paul WilsonRichard,
You do the helicopter drill as you warm up to understand how they coil. When you hit a ball you are tilted. This means the shoulders would bi slightly tilted as you coil back. You are not dipping the lead shoulder down as you go back. You are coiling. The tilt occurs because you are tilted at set up. The back shoulder lowers more in the downswing due to more body tilt in the downswing. I did a tip on it here:
Shoulders in downswing:
Difference Between More Level and Tilted Shoulders:
Cause and Effect – Steep Shoulders Back and Through:
Shoulders At Impact:
August 22, 2019
Paul WilsonRichard,
Also, look for this:
Do Not See Your Toes At The Top: