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How To Cure Fat Shots
Paul Wilson
on May 4, 2011
Tags: CuresHow To Cure Fat ShotsStop Fat Shots
Author Description

Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
8 Responses to “How To Cure Fat Shots”
March 23, 2013
PatrickFoxHi Paul
After watching your videos numerous times, to me, its seems that the fat shot and a push shot may be “cousins”. The connection is being titled too right and not getting enough weight off the back foot. Since currently these are my two most stubborn problems which can be especially seen with a fat shot with short irons and push with the driver. Does this make sense or I am off base?
Best Regards, Patrick
March 24, 2013
Paul WilsonPatrick,
They definitely could be cousins. If you are hitting both you like to get stuck on this back foot. Make sure the back heel is off the ground about 3-4″ with irons and 4-5″ with woods. Do this in practice swings then apply this feeling to the shot. The heel should be coming off the ground because you are turning. If you are sliding you have no reason for the heel to come off. So turn don’t shift. The shift will happen on its own if you turn.
Right Heel: https://ignitiongolf.com/impact-back-foot
Bump or No Bump?: https://ignitiongolf.com/bump-or-no-bump/
There Is Lateral Motion In The Downswing: https://ignitiongolf.com/lateral-motion-downswing/
March 3, 2015
neilathertonthanksfor this tip i will try to put into practice as soon as possible.
April 27, 2015
SeanMaloneHi I was wondering can you tell me why I top the fairway wood I sometimes hit it and the ball hardly moves
April 28, 2015
Paul WilsonSean,
I did a tip on it here:
Stop Topping Your Fairway Woods: https://ignitiongolf.com/stop-topping-fairway-woods/
July 14, 2015
All of a sudden I am hitting many of the longer clubs fat especially 3 wood. I have practiced getting the right heel up, but that juts my hips out too soon and i get pushes. My ball position is fine. The only thing i can figure is that i have been working on turning hips at same pace for all clubs and perhaps the longer clubs actually need a fast paced hip turn or the lag angle will be lost and the club hits the groubd before the ball. Could this be?
Also is there a way to leave questions through the dashboard?
thanks, Drew
July 14, 2015
Paul WilsonDrew,
I guarantee you have too much weight on this foot at impact. I always fix fat shots this way so check again. You are hitting it fat because your whole body is lowering and you trapped on this back foot. The arc will not clear. Yes, drive the lower body harder to get off this side.
If you are hitting pushes you need to have hooked it first before driving the legs harder. Watch:
Driving Hips Harder But Hook It First: https://ignitiongolf.com/driving-hips-hook-first/
Golf Swing Timing For More Distance: https://ignitiongolf.com/timing-more-distance/
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May 4, 2017
StianOttersenHi Paul. Was seeing some fat shots yesterday and ended up touching the legs. Did i touch them too slow? Thanks.