Expect This When Working On – Back Knee Flex

By | on April 18, 2023 | 9 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

9 Responses to “Expect This When Working On – Back Knee Flex”

  1. November 13, 2016


    Great tip… That happened exactly to me last Saturday… Was hitting my drives the best I have done for literally years up until the 16th hole really focussing on the back knee flex and loading into the instep… Then THUD..!!.. Put the driver into the ground a foot behind the ball… Now I know why…!!… Thanks – Ian

  2. November 13, 2016


    I paied the seven dollars to join but your sys saies I don”t have access

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    February 1, 2019


    I love these “what to expect “ tips. I don’t know of anyone else that teaches this way. A lot of times when we try to change something because of a Tip, we mess up and then think we misunderstood or can’t do it. But With these tips we can know what to expect and work through it. It’s really very helpful and valuable. Thank you.

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      February 2, 2019

      Paul Wilson


      Glad you like the. Yes, few if any teach this way. There are good flaws and bad flaws. If you make a change and keep seeing the same flaw you are not changing anything. So learn from the flaws. This way you know you are doing it right.

  4. February 2, 2019


    Great tip, that was just what I needed. On my back swing always had a straight knee, never could make a full turn. After watching this tip over and over, I am cured. Thanks Paul, you make learning this game so easy.

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      February 2, 2019

      Paul Wilson


      Very good. This is a huge part of the swing. Once you get used to keeping this knee flex it will become a whole new world. You’ll see.

  5. February 2, 2019


    As stated before I am totally committed to your method. I am working on triggering the swing by moving the hips/lower body first but seem to have the upper body going at the same time. Is the hip turn basically a subtle start and I should expect the upper body to move as well? I live in the northeast and do my drills in our family room; I have not hit a ball in a while.

    Thanks for your clarity; I wish I had this approach when I started golfing 40 years ago.

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