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Expect This When Working On – Loosening Wrists
Paul Wilson
on June 21, 2024
Tags: cure slice golfexpectgolf releasegolf slice curehow to cure a slice
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
4 Responses to “Expect This When Working On – Loosening Wrists”
November 18, 2016
RaymondCHASTELPaul :Is this “rolling over “exercise simply a drill to cure your slice (If you happen to have one),or should you endeavor to “roll over ” with every shot (Or the driver only)?
I never slice ,my shots are always straight,I never manipulate my wrists :will “rolling over” add something to my game?
November 18, 2016
Paul WilsonRaymond,
If you ever have slice spin in your shots you need to do this drill to unlock your wrists. So you do a few practice swings saying to yourself you are unlocking your wrists then you step up and think coil/uncoil to hit your shot. Hopefully the rolling fixes the slice spin on the next shot.
November 20, 2016
This is something I really need to understand: am I right that I should not purposely roll over my wrists during a normal swing? The “conscious” and active roll over action is only done in the drills for fixing slices and getting the wirsts loosening up. During a swing my wrists roll over without any specific movement from my side – true?
I am normally a very talented slicer (apart from creating fat shots, shanks, etc.). However following your technique for some time now I have started to create slightly hooked or even straight shots with my shorter irons and even 3 wood and rescue. But I am still slicing with long irons and in particular with my driver. Sometimes I include an active roll over movement in my driver shots which leads to one or the other straighter shot. This is why I am asking what the “recommended” way is.
November 21, 2016
Paul WilsonAndreas,
You are purposely rolling your wrists if you are putting slice spin on the ball. It can also help you loosen your wrists if they are too tight. It can also allow you to lower your ball flight as you will be de-lofting the club doing this drill.
AS you do the drill you are not thinking about the body. This does not mean your body is doing nothing. Your body is moving as it does in your real golf swing but your thought is on rolling.
If you are slicing with long irons, 3 wood and driver you are rolling too late. This is usually due to not understanding what you are trying to do or you are doing it way too hard. Slow down. Roll it and get it hooking. This does not mean you are hitting good shots. It means you are hooking it and getting used to the feeling of rolling the wrists. Once you are used to it and you rarely every put slice spin on it you will not longer be thinking of it.
So focus on slowing down and rolling it earlier so you can get it hooking. Then you can move on to body rotation to straighten it out.