Eliminate Tension

By | on September 19, 2022 | 2 Comments | Array


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2 Responses to “Eliminate Tension”

  1. January 22, 2019


    Great insight which makes sense however those situations always exist when playing golf. So for example the first tee there always some tension so what should be the thought process to eliminate that tension
    Marco V

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      January 23, 2019

      Paul Wilson


      Here is the response from David:

      Hello Marco,

      Thank you for your comment. The audio answers your question. The ONLY reason you feel tension at the first tee is because of your interpretation of it. This is challenging for golfers to believe because their mind and experience and society tells them the cause is something else so they ask for a tip. It’s not something else. Your question sabotages the result you want. A new “thought” is not the answer. That’s part of the standard “tip” approach every golfer has tried–and does not last because it avoids the root cause truth. A new interpretation is the answer. THAT will automatically lead you to new thoughts w/out you forcing it or trying yet another ineffective–short lasting “tip”.

      Good Luck,


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