EGO Golf or Scoring Golf

By | on March 13, 2017 | 3 Comments | Array


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3 Responses to “EGO Golf or Scoring Golf”

  1. November 25, 2012


    G’day David,
    I play quite a lot of golf and I quite often say “My Ego exceeded my ability”.
    A few days ago I attempted to play ‘one of those shots’ and very nearly got away with it. Who left that branch hanging down? Yes, I could have chipped out sideways, I just decided I could go past the left of the tree and get over the bushes further up. There was risk and reward, pull the shot off, on the par 5 for three or, chip out and accept having to make a really good pitch shot. I ended up with a nett 78 and still collected off many of my side bets.
    It’s only a game and we do this for fun. If I have a dud score at least I make the people collecting off me happy.

    ‘Ben’ Benson

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      November 25, 2012

      David Breslow

      Hi Ben!

      You are so right yet the ego causes many to go “astray” when it comes to choice making. If you can do that with a smile on your face–more power to you, my friend!

      Keep on goin’ for it!


  2. Dave ,I don’t think you put in the right question ! At least for me !
    Golf is at the same Time fun ,a physical exercise to keep fit ,but most of all (For me ) a challenge : how good are you today ?
    Probably it’s badly placed ego ,but at

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