Dynamic Hip Hinge with Core

By | on September 25, 2024 | 3 Comments | Array


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3 Responses to “Dynamic Hip Hinge with Core”

  1. June 18, 2015



    That is intense. As a golfer with pretty bad piriformis induced sciatica, I try to stay as flexible/strong as possible to keep it from recurring. Added this to my passive stretches for sure. Thanks for this and all your tips. If you have any other strength exercises for keeping sciatica at bay, always will appreciate those.


    • Hi Kim,
      Thanks for the nice comments. I’m glad you like the exercise. “Strength for sciatica” should revolve around ‘neutral’ pelvic position with abdominal ‘bracing’. Symptom-free plank variations, bird-dog progressions, and dead-bug progressions should all be familiar to you.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  2. Hi Jeremy, Like many of the members I have to rush to league play after work on a weekday. They want me to be in the first group since I am the scorekeeper. What is the fastest warm up I can do. I want to get the most out of the few minutes I have on the first tee. Now I use a weighted Matzie club for a few swings and old school hamstring stretch. I also pull my arm to my chest by hooking the opposite arm – a baseball warm up. Any suggestions?

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