Gain Driver Distance By Letting Go

By | on June 1, 2023 | 6 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

6 Responses to “Gain Driver Distance By Letting Go”

  1. This another yet great video Paul, my comment on this is that it would make absolute sense to me, to use this loose/letting go swing as your practice swing before you use the driver. Am I being too simplistic or just stating the obvious????

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      September 7, 2021

      Paul Wilson

      For sure you can do that. Its really anything that gets you to be looser in your swing. If its do small drills like this then I am totally fine you modifying it to where it helps you.

  2. August 24, 2021


    Paul, it would also help to slow our swing tempo way down for this drill, right? I’m seem to have much greater success in “feeling” the swing sensations u describe when I go slower…Then I ratchet up the tempo gradually so that I can monitor he motions in my swing better! Does that sound right? Thanks, Rand.

  3. August 26, 2021



    Awesome tip again.

    I have been following your plan and have been doing a ton of practice swings at home, I only went to the range once. I was able to get out and play yesterday and I destroyed the ball probably 70 % of the time.

    I got gassed on the back 9 because it was crazy hot ( in New Jersey ) and had to really concentrate to avoid the ” Arm ” swing but kept it together pretty good.

    I understand this is a process and I still have a ways to go but your stuff WORKS !!

    All the best,

  4. Paul, great for practice range, but when I go to the course do I still only think about letting go—or can I add something like Touch the Head or Stop Stopping Short? Thank you.


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      October 19, 2021

      Paul Wilson

      I would try simple thoughts like this on the golf course if you are struggling with it out there. A lot of the drills will be used on the practice range or at home. But you have to choose if something like this you feel comfortable doing out on the golf course. Keep working on it and try it on course.

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