Drill – Y L Y L

By | on October 2, 2018 | 11 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

11 Responses to “Drill – Y L Y L”

  1. Avatar photo

    October 2, 2018


    ‘Y’ in the ‘L’ are my best shots the longest and the straightest?

    Because it’s Coach Wilsons fault! get it? šŸ™‚

    I AM “staying loose” more and more often with better results

    thanks Paul

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      October 4, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      Very good. You should be starting to do the swing more naturally by now and hitting a lot more better shots.

  2. October 2, 2018


    Paul, looks like your shoulders are propelling the club in the backswing and also in the downswing. Should the lower half of the body propell the club in the latter in this drill?
    And perhaps a daft question, when you continually advocate armless swings, what do you mean by arms. Is it the entire area from shoulders to wrist or from the elbow to the wrist?

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      October 4, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      You are not even really thinking body. It was just so you get a feel for what you arms are doing. Just let the body follow along.

      Arms mean you arms. From the tips of your finger to your shoulders. In no way are you hitting or helping the shot with your arms.

  3. October 2, 2018


    Hi Paul
    Love the simplicity of this!
    Where would you say the butt end of club is pointed for both ā€˜Lā€™ s? Target line or inside of it? many thanks Rob

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      October 4, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      Glad you liked it.

      For the backswing L I like it slightly inside the line so it can flatten in the downswing. Worst case scenario would be right on the lie. The though swing would be outside the line because the club would have fattened in the downswing which means it would be at, or close to, 90 degrees to your body.

  4. Paul ,What’s your opinion in the early presetting (or cocking)of the wrists at the beginning of the backswing ,as advised by teacher JOE DANTE in his 1962 book :”4 Magic Moves to winning golf “as opposed to the gradual cocking during the entire backswing.
    It is said that it simplifies your swing and puts you on plane from the beginning of the backswing .
    Some today’s tour players seem to have gone this way .
    I myself don’t like it as I find it disrupts my tempo and my smooth move going back

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      October 4, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      I don’t like the early set. Too may people who do this hit the ball too short. I find it activates the arms. I am trying to get the person’s arms out of the swing. So if they activate them in the beginning how do they turn them off coming down? Yes, some tour players do this. Faldo did it. At 6’4″ he hit it nowhere. He was accurate though.

  5. October 15, 2018


    Hi, Paul.

    I like the Y L Y L drill a lot because I think it combines the release positions and the Impact-Snap position (Y2) better than I have seen any other drill do. I have one question, where are you focused as your club travels from the top of your swing through contact and then through L2 on its way to the finish? Since almost all pros I have seen appear to focus on “contact” until the club reaches the release position (L2), I assume that is the answer but logically maybe it should be somewhere between contact and Y2. Isn’t that what David Duvall and Annika Sorenstam did when they appeared to “look up” before contact?



  6. Hi Sir, In the “Y” position 2 prior to the release point are you suppose to squeeze your elbows together when reaching the release point (maintaining the connection with body).I have been doing the headcover under the lead armpit to stay connected drill. Thanks for all of your help. Have a great Day!

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