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Drill – T-Rex Arms
Paul Wilson
on November 6, 2018
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
2 Responses to “Drill – T-Rex Arms”
November 6, 2018
pastorjohnbutcherHey Paul,
When you “roll over” your wrists, does your left wrist bow or cup? Or is it just flat? When does the wrist collapse? or doesn’t it? This has bugged me for a LONG TIME.
I ask this because for some golfers, doing your wrist drills can lead to “flipping.” I feel that the left wrist is loose but in control and rolling without collapsing. If done correctly, I can look in a mirror and see that there is the proper lag that results from the arms being powerless, hips (mass) turning before the arms swing into straight-line release position (straight arms past impact) you speak of so often. IF done improperly, there is not as much forward shaft lean at impact.
Thanks for everything you teach! You’re the best!
November 7, 2018
Paul WilsonJohn,
You are not really thinking of bowing or cupping but I have seen people do the roll over and bow the left wrist which is not what you want to do. It needs to be slightly cupped. Remember, in the rehinge this is what your wrists would be doing into the through swing after the release point but you are doing it earlier than necessary. So swing through to 3/4 through and check your left wrist. This is what it should loose like right in front of you after rolling it.
Flipping is not the same thing. This is rolling it on purpose earlier than necessary. Flipping in a better players swing is due to the shoulders being to square at impact.
How To Stop Flipping Through Impact:
Yes, improperly is not good.