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Drill – Lift Then Hit
Paul Wilson
on August 31, 2018
Tags: drillship drills golf swingleg drills golf
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
17 Responses to “Drill – Lift Then Hit”
March 30, 2014
Michael JMastrocovoHI Paul. Great lessons! My question is “What is the function of the lead heal during the start of the backswing? I was told to lift it, then others say to just keep the heal flat on the ground. Is there a video tip for this? (I am right-handed) Thanks, Mike Mastrocovo
March 5, 2016
BenjaminBerryFantastic Paul! After months of work this drill forced me to actually turn my hips first at the range this AM. It’s a completely different feeling. When I did it properly the ball would start right off the clubface and then turn into a perfect beautiful draw Dead straight right at the target but very short. Seriously I was hitting 150 yard drives but I was actually hitting a draw without over manipulating my wrists as in the rollover drill. Does this sound correct to you? That doing this correctly for the first time I would experience perfect ball flight but much shorter distance. Thanks so much, Ben.
March 6, 2016
Paul WilsonBen,
Very good. Sometimes it just takes one thing to make it all click.
Just be careful. If you are drawing it more than a few yards without trying to draw it you have a grip problem. I like it falling left or right. If so, your grip is neutral. Neutral grip will allow you to have loose wrists. If you grip is too strong and you loosen the wrists you will hook it.
March 6, 2016
BenjaminBerryThanks Coach, It may be too strong, I’ll have Pete check it on Skype. Best, Ben
July 6, 2017
JohnPorterShould the loose wrists “release ” begin immediately from the top to impact??if so then how can you have “lag” and “release” at the same time??
July 6, 2017
Paul WilsonJohn,
Yes, your wrists would be loose through out the downswing. Yo only have 1/4 of a second to impact. There is no way you would loosen them before you hit the ball.
How can you have lag and release it. Simple. The club is mass. Mass will always want to swing to its widest point if you do not disturb it. This widest point is after impact. So if you do nothing and the club is lagged it would extend to the widest point 100% of the time.
How to Release the Golf Club:
Manually Square the Clubface:
Manually Square the Clubface (Follow Up):
What Happens If You Don’t Release It:
You can do this lag drill if want:
DRILL: Lag And Release:
March 6, 2016
RYDGJRI’ve recently started to get my backswing started by very slightly kinking my rear knee toward my front knee before starting back. I’m NOT talking about a forward press with my hands or arms. I feel like when I get started in this way my back swing is smoother and I am also able to get my right heal off the ground coming down and through more easily. I couldn’t find any tips that mention this and would be interested in your thoughts on this slight knee action to get things moving.
March 6, 2016
Paul WilsonGary,
This is perfectly fine. I have done this too. Just keeps you in motion. I have mentioned it in a few tips. Can’t remember which ones though.
Maybe this one:
Stay in Motion:
March 6, 2016
RYDGJRkicking (not kinking).
March 7, 2016
RaymondCHASTELPaul ,In other video lessons ,you mentioned you were pushing hard off the right instep ,therefore the heel lifts after your push and when your rotation is accomplished .
Is there a reason why you don’t mention this “push off” in this otherwise excellent lesson ?
March 8, 2016
Paul WilsonRaymond,
This is just a drill to get people to at least lift the heel. I don’t care about perfection in this tip. I care about it lifting.
March 10, 2016
BenjaminBerryHi Paul now that I am turning my hips my swing speed has dropped from a momentous 85 to 77. Which drill should I go to? Thanks Ben
March 10, 2016
Paul WilsonBen,
There is no way you are doing this right.
First, roll it over and get the ball hooking. Then add the leg drive to straighten it out. Tonight’s tip is a good one for you. Also, I have tons of tips on Distance on the original site and I have a whole section dedicated to it in the Dashboard.
You also need to watch this tip:
Golf Swing Timing For More Distance:
And do this drill nightly:
DRILL: Listen to Club Swinging:
March 11, 2016
BenjaminBerryI figured so much : ) I’m at the range as I type this. After re watching the timing tip and doing the drills. I just got to 91 ! That’s s huge improvement considering I’ve never gotten over 85. Starting to feel it. Back to work! Have a great day and thanks, Ben
March 12, 2016
Paul WilsonBen,
Very good. Just think logically. The swing is mass swinging around an axis (weight on a string). How would you make it twirl faster? You turn your hand faster. Now in the swing you need to couple this will loose wrists and powerless arms but at least visualize it and focus on how to do it. It’s real easy to get distracted by the ball. Focus on technique.
March 12, 2016
BenjaminBerryThanks so much Paul the progress I am making with you and Pete is really incredible.
March 13, 2016
Paul WilsonBen,
Good stuff. I love hearing. Keep at it.