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DRILL – Fire Knee Ahead Of Ball For Power
Paul Wilson
on May 8, 2015
Tags: DrillLegs Powering Golf SwingUsing Legs in Downswing
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
19 Responses to “DRILL – Fire Knee Ahead Of Ball For Power”
April 13, 2013
Could you please tell me what i should feel in the toes during the
back swing.
April 15, 2013
Paul WilsonEriab,
You should be feeling the weight go to the instep right heel 80%. This means the weight is on the inner edge of the shoe from the ball of your right foot to the heel. Your left foot has only 20% of the weight on it. This weight is evenly distributed throughout the whole boot of your foot.
April 13, 2013
NielsTruelsenHi Paul,
Before you have become my “golf guru” Jimmy Ballard was. so I am glad that you mentioned him. I have seen a lot the same ideas about the “coiling” and using the body in your swing. But I like your way of explication with the 3 elements of The Iron Byron. After your last 2 – 3 lessons I really have started to feel powerless arms. I am looking forward to see the spring come to Denmark and start to work at the driving range. :-))
Keep up the good work _ I wished I have started with your swing 40 years ago.
April 15, 2013
Paul WilsonNiels,
I read Jimmy Ballards book when growing up. I remember too much about it other than hitting the golf cart with the back of the hand and a bit about the coiling. Oh yeah the firing of the right knee of course. Interesting character. I have a video with him somewhere around here. I should watch it.
Glad you are following me.
I wish I would have started with my swing 40 years ago too. I only thought of it in 1999. Before that the thought was to make people look like they could shoot 65.
April 15, 2013
RalphWilkinsonPaul. I noticed lately that you dont really pay much attention to the swing plane. You say, bring the club back a lot, without ever much emphasis on
WHERE the club goes. I am getting a lot of info and input lately from different sources that a lot of attention should also go to keeping the angle at setup equal to the angle that is created at the top of the swing so that the arc stays intact from back to forward. Why do you seem to ignore his in your teaching. Is it really a given that people will develop the right angle at the top of the swing??
April 16, 2013
RobertMcGuireHi Paul,
Not sure if my earlier message went through, can you recommend a pro instructor in the northeast? One that is qualified to instruct the “powerless arms” technique. I’m located in NH – 30 miles north of Boston.
Bob McGuire
April 17, 2013
Paul WilsonRobert,
I do not have an instructor in the North East only in Toronto. Why don’t you just do video golf lessons with us. This way we can help you with your swing.
Find out more here:
I can’t believe more people are not doing this.
May 9, 2015
RonCalabreseHi Paul. I like this particular video because it gives me a ” target” for the beginning of the downswing. I’m mentally aware of what yo want at the end of the swing, the rotation of the hips, and touching of the knees. But this aiming of the right knee at a target to begin the downswing is very effective in my case.
Thanks, Ron
May 10, 2015
Paul WilsonRon,
Glad you like this one. I remember doing this many years ago the Ballard way. Pretty effective because you have something to think about. Keep using it if you like it.
May 9, 2015
RaymondCHASTELPaul ,This is an opportune “remake ” of your previous video “MY FAVORITE DRILL “,which I practise when waiting for my turn to come when waiting on the tee.
I just dug out of the back of a basement cupboard a Training aid devised some 30 years ago by JIM Mc LEAN,called “THE PIVOT PRO”:it’s simply a slanted plastic contraption you put your right foot in,and which forces you to put the weight of your right leg on the right instep:from there you push forwards hard as you show .
I just happened too see a “MOE NORMAN,ONE PLANE SWING “adept swinging :his right foot was GLUED TO THE GROUND !How could he swing this way wthout hurting himself really baffles me ?
May 10, 2015
Paul WilsonRaymond, This is a very important aspect of the golf swing that takes immense concentration and tons or practice. I used to do this in practice swings feeling the instep every night. Just takes time but puts you in a great position to start the downswing.
May 10, 2015
PeterEspositoHi Paul,
I find it also effective to bump the left knee to trigger the down swing. I get the same result as firing the right knee ahead of the ball. Is initiating with the right knee better for accuracy?
May 11, 2015
Paul WilsonPeter,
You would have to tell if it is better for accuracy. I am just giving you another trigger to start the uncoiling process. If you feel it is more accurate then use it if you want. I find it gets the lower body moving and generates more power for most people.
May 18, 2015
On my downswing, my front foot tends to spin out. Why does this happen? Is there a problem with weight transfer?
May 18, 2015
Paul WilsonRoy,
Your lead foot is either too straight (should be turned out 25 degrees) or you don’t have enough weight on it through impact. This would lead me to belive you are hitting with your arms.
Front Foot Out:
Front Foot Impact:
Forward Foot:
January 6, 2018
jamessmithI would like explanation on turning the hips and using the right leg to push off the ground. your belt buckle looks level as you turn. When I use power in my right leg, I feel like I have to drop or bend my the knee more in order to push off the ground. Thanks, Jim
January 7, 2018
Paul WilsonJim,
You need to follow the tip below to make sure you are doing this right.
It’s Like A Throwing Motion:
All I am trying to do and thinking about is turning. I know the shift will occur because I always get to the touch the legs position. Not sure which knee you are talking about. Hopefully, you are not talking about the forward knee because in no way do I want you to do this.
You may feel a bending in the back knee as you drive because maybe it is not flexed as you hit the top. So you should check if it is flexed at the moment you hit the top. Never really have someone say the feel like they have to flex it to fire it. If so, this would tell me its straigthening going back.
Flex Back Knee:
Flexed Back Knee Holding Knee:
DRILL: Bounce On Back Knee:
Power: Keep the Flex In The Back Knee:
How To Feel Stability In The Lower Body (back knee flex)
October 8, 2018
DenverStallerCan I use this a my downswing trigger or is this just a drill? It seems that this raises the right heal further of the ground at impact than what you might prefer.
October 8, 2018
Paul WilsonDenver,
You sure can. This is one of the triggers.
All Downswing Triggers:
Be careful not to lift it too much. Fire the knee and let the rotation pull the heel up.
Lifting Back Heel Too Much: