DRILL – Make Sure You Are Moving Your Head

By | on April 17, 2015 | 8 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

8 Responses to “DRILL – Make Sure You Are Moving Your Head”

  1. April 18, 2015



    Does this tip and body tilt apply to the same degree with both irons and woods.

    Thx Roy

  2. April 19, 2015


    Paul, this question pertains to this tip and all the other tips you post. I had an interesting revelation. For five days I practiced the positions you teach us in my home without a ball. I actually felt the positions and did well (actually very well) from point A to point B. I videoed my swing and everything looked pretty good. I went to the range to hit some balls and everything fell apart. I finally realized that the biggest detriment to my swing is the golf ball. My backswing was short and my follow thru was not complete.

    My question is how do we get that hit impulse out of our swing both mentally and physically. This problem is slowing my progress.


    • April 20, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      So like everyone else you got the course and started to think “hit the ball” not “do the positions and forget the ball.” What you must realize is you are doing something new. You are not good at it. You need to at least do it on the course. So you go out late a night with the goal of doing the new swing on the course. Have a few balls in your pocket and hit a shot at 50% of your normal speed, hold the positions and check it. If you don’t do it try it again and again.

      At the same time you are constantly doing the practice swings at home, range and when you play getting used to the positions and the feedback associated with each position. You need to care more about the positions then the ball right now. If you are thinking of the hitting the ball you will just do your old golf swing that does not work. This is new an different. It will take a while to make the switch. When you do though, you will never look back.


      How To Take Your Swing From The Range To The Course: https://ignitiongolf.com/swing-range/
      What To Think About When You Play: https://ignitiongolf.com/what-to-think-when-playing/
      Steps To Take It To The Course: https://ignitiongolf.com/taking-it-to-course-steps/
      Taking Powerless Arms to the Course: https://ignitiongolf.com/powerless-arms-when-playing/
      Playing Thoughts: https://ignitiongolf.com/playing-thoughts/

  3. Paul,

    This one is going in my faves folder. I’m getting the positions down pretty well but am finding that there are some “cleanup” items I need to take care of, e.g., stand tall and move the head. This is a great way to do incorporated head movement without help from anyone. I put a tee in the ground and align my shadow edge with it to get a better perspective of the movement amount.

    I keep telling you this. My open question: Why are you the only one teaching this stuff? I’ve been a Golf Digest and Golf subscriber for 50 years, have taken multiple lessons and ordered countless instructional DVDs and I have never once heard anyone clarify that the golf swing is a two-axis move and that the head by definition must move with it. Comparing it to other athletic moves makes such good sense. You always present the “whys” of your swing principles. The mini-helicopter turn proves it to us.

    If I could only have discovered your teachings 50 years ago….


  4. Paul,

    In the move head videos it clearly moves back on the backswing. Does it then stay there until after impact as you are driving your legs?

    I can see where one might hit some fat shots while learning this move.


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