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DRILL: Grip Down To Check Your Wrist Release – Part 2
Paul Wilson
on December 1, 2022
Tags: golf releasehow to cure a chicken winghow to cure a slicehow to release golf club
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
5 Responses to “DRILL: Grip Down To Check Your Wrist Release – Part 2”
June 25, 2019
Awesome drill. Really does change the feel of the club and I too hit a few longer shots than my actual 7 irons.
I still can’t help thinking and suggesting that people get the SwingRiite aid or whatever it’s called these days to FEEL this release and get that “snap” at impact or just beyond it. All this aid does is give you feedback to “hear” when you’ve got it right and then you KNOW your wrists are loose. I have been swinging this thing all my life, so my wrists are super loose too. Golfers have to give up control to gain control. Where have I hear that before?
Great tip!
July 3, 2019
Paul WilsonJohn,
Glad you liked it.
I like other ones. The swingrite has you pulling the weight down each time. There is a different one that comes down on it’s own. I can’t remember the name right now. I might be promoting it in the near future. It’s orange.
Exactly. Give up control to lose control.
June 26, 2019
MarkAhoWhat is a Swing Rite Aide? Thanks
July 3, 2019
Paul WilsonMark,
Just google it.
There is another one I feel is better because you don’t have to re-set the weight every time. I may be promoting it in the very near future.
December 3, 2022
SueTeeHi Paul, You may be thinking of the Swingyde – it is orange.
Great drill as always, thank you!