Drill to Feel the Tight Coil In The Backswing

By | on May 25, 2018 | 23 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

23 Responses to “Drill to Feel the Tight Coil In The Backswing”

  1. September 7, 2012


    Hi Paul,
    Great tip, the feel of a true coil just screams power. From your last post I see what you mean about me getting ahead of the ball, which I assume is part sway and part reverse pivot. I even noticed as I practice the touch the legs drill I am ahead or way over my left leg. So I started today making sure my head would be behind the ball area and it felt pretty good. Also I realized that I had loose arms in the back-swing but in trying to hit the ball everything became tight and I wasn’t getting that extention of my arms. Also starting working on that today and had some great improvement. And of course in today’s tip I see my hips are moving more than they should, but this tip was a great aid in correcting that problem. Don’t know if you are going to be in town the week before Thanksgiving, but that is my target date and hope I can have a lesson or two. I bribed the family with The Memphis Championship BarBQue so hope it will work out.
    Thanks for the repetition of tips til I get it Mike

    • September 11, 2012

      Paul Wilson

      Mike, Skying is usually you doing a reverse pivot. In other words not loading behind it allowing the head to move back in the backswing. When people stay over top of the ball and start down the usually move ahead of it. So you have to get the head moving back in the backswing.

      It is a weird feeling for most people. I say it feels like you are moving a foot behind the ball at the top to actually move 3 inches. So it feels like more than you are actually moving. After you get used to it it feels okay but it does take a little time.

      I will most likely be here for Thanksgiving. No plans at the moment. Just let me know. Can’t miss the Memphis BBQ championship.

  2. September 7, 2012


    Repetition and constant reminders are a big help. How quickly I seem to forget the little things. But with your method of reminding us from time to time gets me back to those basics. At least to me it is a teaching method which I seem to need to stay on track, or should I say stay on swing.


    • September 11, 2012

      Paul Wilson

      Peter, Yes I go back and forth sometimes. Just when I start in one direction I know people will forget where we just came from. Got to remember all of this stuff and either do it until you never do it wrong or keep checking it everyday.

  3. September 7, 2012


    Hi Paul,

    Would like to clarify with you, what are the factors that contribute to club head speed? (ie. lag, wrist, weight, shaft, height etc.)

    Was watching the Deutche Bank Championship, Tiger was clocked at 120mph, Dustin Johnson 123mph and Bubba 124mph. Thanks.

    • September 11, 2012

      Paul Wilson

      Herman, There are may factors which I am releasing tips on. Just stay tuned. I will get through everything. Look in the red nav bar under power. I keep adding these tips to that section so in the future everyone can just go there and see my thoughts on power throughout the whole swing.

  4. August 15, 2015


    Paul, what is your take on doing practice swings at home and doing swings at practice balls for every there practice swing?

  5. August 15, 2015


    Hi Paul,
    First, excuse any mistake I could make. I am a French Canadian.
    I want to relate a short experiment I made yesterday night which is in accordance with today’s tip.
    In my backswing movement,as I came near to the end, I tried to push a little more with my foreward arm prior to or at he same time I go for the forward swing.It’s like I want to add more torque to my body. All of a sudden, my 6Iron shut went straiter and higher as I ever hit it before. I am anxious to try it again today with all my clubs, including the Driver.
    My question…Do you think it worth it to include that `”thought” in my regular swing?
    P.S. I have been a teacher for 35 years and I can say without exaggeration that you are a very good teacher. I recommand your website to all my friends, every time I have the chance to do that

    • August 16, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      Thank you for the kind words and recommendations. I truly appreciate the help.

      Just be careful. I really don’t want you activating your arms. They should be powerless in the future in the down and through swing. If this helps you feel the tight coil for now then keep doing it until you master the coil. Then double check you are not hitting hard with your arms.

  6. Paul ,I note your right foot is not exactly at right angles to the target line when you are at address ,it’s slightly splayed out.
    I know BEN HOGAN who advocated the right angles position in his book ,changed also slightly to a splayed position of te right foot in his later year(Aftr his car accident )
    Ir helps a biger rotation going back .
    JOHN DALY is a perfect example of the feet splayed out significantly both ways ,though he is marvelously supple and flexible .
    Another question :in the “pole drill”(The drill with club on the shoulders you show )is it allowed to tilt the shoulders somewhat going back (The pole or club is inclined slightly towards the ground ) and the other way up going through ,instead of remaining completely horizontal ?
    This allows lifting more the club in the backswing and more utilize the gravity effect of the club falling ” from a higher point..

    • August 16, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      I want the right foot turned out 5 degrees. Mine is but in the camera it always looks flared out more than it is when my left does not look flared out enough when it is. The back too straight or turned in creates too much resistance as you coil up. Turning it out a little allows people to fully coil. Keep in mind Hogan was quite flexible. He would often take it back way too far so maybe this was his way of restricting his backswing a little. Who knows?

      With the helicopter drill I want you doing it standing up. If there is a slight angle in the downswing that is fine. The whole purpose of the drill is to get the person to feel torque and a stable lower body, head moving not to get the shoulders rotating on the exact angle. By standing vertical you will achieve these things. Tilted too much and you will not. So stand up. Coil back with the shoulders, feel those elements and uncoil with the lower.

  7. Hi Paul,
    Thanks for the tiip.
    Thinking about this tip has me wondering if an incorrect coil could be a reason; at times, that I seem late getting my right knee to touch. I trigger with my r. Knee and r. Hip turning towards ball and continue with left hip back.
    Results when legs late is a pull left about 10 to 15 yards of target line.
    When younger the left heel would lift on back swing. I think my hip rotation is culprit.
    Look forward to your response.

    • Ed,

      If the spring is not working you will hit with arms so that is your tell-tale sign right there. Feel the shoulders coiling more level going back. Allow the head to move with it. Watch tomorrow’s tip. This will explain what to look for. This should get you on track.

  8. I experimented with a narrow stance :the narrow stance allows for more coiling of the upper body.As long as you keep your balance in the throughswing it makes for a more fluid swing and longer distances

    • Raymond,

      I like narrower versus too wide. Just be careful you are not too narrow and overcoiling. Need to feel tight at the top to know you are coiling right.

  9. May 26, 2018


    Hey Paul:
    This was a great video. Too long I have been searching for that place to stop the backswing and have found myself many times too far around. With the left toe out drill, I finally have a place to stop because I can’t go any further! This is awesome. Many thanks and have a great holiday.

    • Bruce,

      Glad you liked it. Yes, once you are tight you are at the top. I am very aware of this as I go back. Don’t want to be too long back there. This will get you hitting because your arms have to pull to catch back up to your body. So keep looking for this tightness in the forward lat.

  10. The drill several days ago about speeding up the core (area above the belt) combined with this drill was great. Really feeling what you are teaching and the power was there. Still having a little trouble with touching the legs though.

    Doug Forward

    • Doug,

      You have already touched the legs when throwing a ball. If you are not doing this you are thinking of hitting the ball. So you throw balls overhand and master it. Then apply to a practice swing. Then tee up your ball and do it in a real swing. If you have to do this at 1 mph then do it at 1 mph. If you are not doing it at top speed when do you ever do it? Daily practice swings. This is what it takes. Forget the ball.

      It’s Like A Throwing Motion: https://ignitiongolf.com/like-throwing-motion/

  11. Some teachers out there are instructing students to wind up big but feel “loose” at the top. The reason: Tight feeling creates tension, which leads to unwinding the shoulders before the lower body. What do you think?

    I too have a difficult time feeling tension at the top because I am very flexible. Flaring out the left foot does NOT make a bit of difference for me. My back swing has always been too long. So I keep struggling shortening it up and tightening up. That is why I tried to restrict my lower body too much and still find my left knee pointing in front of the ball, not behind it. Unless I try to move it there.

    • John,

      This can happen if there is no thought of a downswing trigger. I want people to coil from the top and uncoil from the bottom. To do this you at least need to be thinking about something in the legs and hips. If not, you will hit.

      For you just keep the club away from you. If you get long and loose the club will come close. Keep it away and you should be able to use your height to your advantage without it getting sloppy at the top.

      Yes, you need the left knee moving behind the ball. This is part of the coil. Glad you see that.

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