Don’t Get Fooled Again

By | on January 25, 2015 | 5 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

5 Responses to “Don’t Get Fooled Again”

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    January 25, 2015


    Paul, I totally agree. One day Bubba Watson can shoot a 65 and then in the 2nd round he shoot a 76. I started to golf late in life, but it become a challenge for me. Every flaw there is in golf, I did. Then when I saw you in Revolution Golf, I become a follower. I’ll probably never shoot in the low 80’s, but I certainly have loads of fun playing the game. Before a shot, do I do your favorite drill or should I go lower and swoosh down at the grass? I definately enjoy all your tips and do strive to perform that perfect shot.

    • January 26, 2015


      Bubba hits it miles ,but he is a poor short game player!

    • January 27, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      Never say never. My dad did it at 62. Before I helped him he literally had the world’s biggest slice. Stay focused and perfect the positions. You can do it.

      You can do either. When you swoosh the grass don’t focus like there is a ball there. Don’t even think about impact. Feel how the legs are going to power your swing and the weight of the club. Loosen the arms and make it feel heavy. If it were me I would be trying to hit the exact follow through position. This way you know what you are going to do before you do it.

  2. January 26, 2015


    Paul ,What you say is “MAKE YOUR SWING REPEAT ,REPEAT ,REPEAT “.Golf is much more a game of consistency than of beauty shots .So it takes many,many repetitions to acheive that .And ,in my opinion ,where répétitions are the most needed is THE SHORT GAME ,that’s where you make or break your score.That’s also the area where I exercise the most ,be it on long or on short putting ,chipping, pitching long and short .
    When you analyse your scores ,you find it’s where you can save the most strokes ,the number of “LONG SHOTS ” ,up to 100 yards of the green is always the same,”mas or menos” ,and provided they are “in play ” (On the fairway or in the short grass) it’s not them who make your score .How many times I come across a booming long driver who outdrives me by 50 yards ,only to fail miserably when coming into the green and then taking three puts .
    You soon come to the limit of how far you can hit the long ball ,due to your physical capabilities,but you can always perfect your short game .The perfect example is PAUL RUNYAN who was a notoriously short hitter but beat such long htters such as SAM SNEAD , ,or SEVE BALLESTEROS whose long game was erratic,but he was a genius of the short game.

    • January 27, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      If you don’t repeat how can you make it consistent so yes, repeat repeat repeat but repeat perfect movement.

      The short game is very important for making up for mistakes. You are never going to hit it great everyday so a great short game makes up for it and it really don’t take all that long to get pretty good at it. This helps your confidence in your overall game too.

      True about Paul Runyan but there have also been other smaller players that hit it long such as Chi Chi or Toski and tons of juniors and ladies. It can be done with the right technique.

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