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How To Create A Descending Blow When Chipping
Paul Wilson
on June 2, 2024
Tags: ChippingChipping Hitting DownHow to Create a Descending Blow
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
17 Responses to “How To Create A Descending Blow When Chipping”
March 29, 2013
RogerLeeYou appear to do a forward press to initiate the stroke. Is that for rhythm or can you just start from the forward press position? Thanks
March 29, 2013
Paul WilsonRoger,
This is the first time I’ve heard I press it. I don’t believe I do this. I usually bounce the club up and down and do a little kick of the right knee. I do not way anyone to press it because in doing so you run the risk of re-gripping and/or opening the clubface. Staying in motion is fine and necessary.
Stay in Motion:
May 18, 2014
RonnyHow do you set-up for uphill lies?
May 19, 2014
Paul WilsonRonny,
I think you are asking about uphill in general not uphill for chipping? If so, I did tips a while back on these shots:
Ball Below Feet:
Ball Above Feet:
Most of this would apply to chipping too.
July 11, 2016
Jan MinholtsPaul,
When chipping, you would have your arms before the ball, so that you become a descending blow. But by doing that, you diminish the loft of the club.
Sometimes my chips don’t fly upwards, but go straight forward. Why is that? Thank you for your answer!
July 11, 2016
Paul WilsonJan,
Yes, you do de-loft it which is what you want. You need to check if your hands are too far forward. If so, you are de-lofting it too much.
How To Get the Proper Chipping Trajectory:
November 15, 2019
LeeDanekerWith a sand wedge, you get roll on the green equal to the carry, so depending on how far the pin is from the edge of the green, you need to vary the carry. What do you think are the min and max carry you can get when chipping with a sand wedge? And to you get from min to max by taking a longer back stroke? Or by trying to stroke faster? Thanks.
November 21, 2019
Paul WilsonLee,
You can chip from anywhere. It is a dependent on the pin. You would take a longer stroke for longer pitches but you are also accelerating to get the ball on the green. You have to put some effort into these shots. You get too long with the back swing and you will decelerate coming down. The shortest stroke would be approx. when the hands move from the front leg to the back leg. This would move the club 2-3 feet.
November 21, 2019
Paul WilsonLee,
Hope you are doing well and have been working on it.
November 16, 2019
MichaelJansenDo you use different clubs when chipping to get different distances?
November 21, 2019
Paul WilsonMichael,
Yes, you need to watch these tips:
-Learn The Best Way To Chip:
-When To Pitch:
November 16, 2019
LeeDanekerIf you look at the tips on chipping, you will see that the club choice doesn’t depend on how far you want the ball to fly, but on how far you want it to run once it has landed on the edge of the green.
November 21, 2019
Paul WilsonLee,
This is the way to look at it.
November 21, 2019
LeeDanekerThanks. I haven’t been able to play yet — next week, but I have had some long sessions at the range and am doing drills at home. I appreciated very much the lesson.
November 13, 2020
KimboLove the classic Friday redux video. I am a **huge fan** of the Ratios method. Have been using it now for such a long time that it is second nature. I know exactly which club to grab after just a bit of triage. 🙂 The technique you show + the ratios method = I can put the ball repeatedly in a 3-4 foot circle at many different distances. Don’t have to think about the distance, just get the ball going and direction. The club selection does the rest. Up and down 50+ percent still, even though I don’t get out to practice as much as before. Thanks for great site, Paul. -Kim
August 22, 2021
terrybadgerHi Paul,
Do you have any tip on how to accelerate the club through impact? I believe that is why my chip shots are poor even though I do everything else correctly. Your chipping setup and technique is easy to replicate except for that last part of accelerating through the ball. It may be mental, because on short grass it is less of a problem.
September 7, 2021
Paul WilsonThis would be from too long of a backswing in your chipping. You want to think of a shorter backswing and then you can accelerate. Check this out:
Chipping Technique: