Decompression Stretch

By | on October 4, 2023 | 9 Comments | Array


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9 Responses to “Decompression Stretch”

  1. May 8, 2014



    This sounds like a great stretch! I assume you would recommend that we do the stretch on both sides, right? Thanks.


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    May 11, 2014


    My right lower back is tight from time to time. I think it happens sometimes because my right leg is slightly shorter than my left leg. This exercise helps relieve the tightness and since doing these my hip turn has improved or at least it feels that way. Thanks Jeremy…

    • Hi Henry,
      Your leg length and soreness relationship does seem logical. I’m glad this one helps.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  3. Jeremy,
    When I play (and practice) a lot I continue to have moderate to severe intercostal strains (on both left and right sides). From what I’ve read this is similar to what Snedeker had a couple of years ago. Do you think this stretching (assuming I do it before every round) will help prevent this debilitating injury? Any other advice to prevent this?

    • Hi Steve,
      I do think this exercise will help. You may need to perform something similar throughout your round as well. Use every tee box as a chance to do some rib cage stretches to keep loose. Stand, raise one arm straight into the air and elongate that side by side bending your spine the opposite direction without flexing or rotating. Use every opportunity on the golf course to keep it from getting irritated because once it’s irritated I’m sure it’s extremely difficult to manage. Strengthening the area is also important to prevent injury. I’m not sure of your fitness level but Side Planks and Side Curls on an exercise ball might be good ways to prevent this from occurring (2-3x/wk). If this doesn’t help, get to a medical professional since this seems to be “debilitating” as you mentioned above.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  4. December 17, 2015


    I do this exercise every morning, seven days a week. I learned it in physical therapy after a back operation.

    • Great to hear that kind of dedication. It’s a reminder, to all of us, to keep up with our work even when we’re feeling good.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  5. March 20, 2018


    Jeremy, Haven’t tried this yet but I will. Looks helpful.

    I do have a question regarding exercise and Paul’s “touch the leg” position. I can do the position, but I think it should be easier than it is for me. Any suggestion on exercises to make it easier?

    Thanks in advance,

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