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Cure High Right Shots
Paul Wilson
on April 8, 2011
Tags: Cure High Right ShotsCuresStop Hitting Ball High Right
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
7 Responses to “Cure High Right Shots”
October 2, 2012
FranckSaucisseDear Paul,
First I wanted to thank you about all the great tips, it’s been a mounth now that I have been following your method, and I am starting to see the effects.
Keep up the good work !
Best regards from France
October 3, 2012
Paul WilsonFranck,
Glad you like the videos. I am looking into the other issue.
June 4, 2014
DANIELRUGGPaul, new member here. Just saw this tip 6-3-14. I have started trying the “touch-the-legs” move with my driver, and often find my right foot dragging to get into position (like I can’t touch my legs unless I drag my right leg/foot up). I’m thinking this might be due to too wide a stance with the driver. I’ve also had a problem drop-kicking the driver. Any thoughts on this?
March 20, 2018
terrybadgerHi Paul,
I’m doing much better with my driver, but my irons are way short. the good news is they are straight. A good drive is around 225, but my 6 iron barely makes it to 150. Help please.
March 20, 2018
Paul WilsonTerry,
You only have 1 swing. You need to stop trying to hit down with the irons. Do some swings in the air like it is your driver. Then stay tall as you set up and apply this feeling to the irons. The club hits down due to having the right fundamentals not because you are trying to purposely hit down.
April 19, 2018
JohnKubalaI sometimes hit the driver high and right. The tip says either I am coming over the top or I am sliding. How can I tell which one?
April 20, 2018
Paul WilsonJohn,
Yon can tell by where the ball starts. If you are over the top the club would swing left. So the ball would be starting at or right of the target then fading unless your face was so open that it started right. If you slide the club attacks too much from the inside so the ball starts right.
You can also tell by the level you are at. Usually single digit players slide while more average players come over the top.
So to fix this you need to do the roll over drill first:
DRILL: 3 Ways To Roll It Over:
Roll Around The Stick:
Once you can hook it you switch focus to the lower body again. If your body moves before the club you will hit it dead straight.