How To Cure Fat Pitch Shots

By | on February 17, 2023 | 30 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

30 Responses to “How To Cure Fat Pitch Shots”

  1. Paul, did you in the past week include in a tip the thoughts of “hinge during the back swing and lift the heel during the forward rotation”? During my practice session this morning, I found myself saying hinge and heel as a way of get off my back leg as uncoiled. It seemed to help me.

  2. Hi Paul, this is a good exercise because I mostly play picth & putt (a widely used modality in Portugal) in which the holes are between 50 and 110 yardes with many bankers and water, which makes the shots to be very accurate, I will try this drill, because I think it is ideal, thanks

    • April 19, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      We have a few of those courses here. They can be fun.

      Definitely important you know how to stop fat shots if you are hitting a lot of pitches. Give it a try.

  3. April 18, 2016


    Hi Paul. A few year ago I went to a Dave Pelz short game school.. If the instructors had merely said hinge and turn, the considerable cost of the school would have been worth it. Instead, I spent the pitching portion of the lesson, hitting a good one followed by a skull, followed by a fat one. Total confusion. Your simple directions prevent a cluttered mind which is essential to improving.

    I hanks, Ron.

  4. Hello Paul. What is the difference from your “feel the heel” tip? And, is this technique not the same as your green side bunker shot, except that having dug yourself deeper in the sand, the club goes under the ball?

    • April 19, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      When hitting short shots you are not driving your legs and hips hard. Something has to turn your body (axis). In this case turning your belt buckle gets your body moving first in the downswing. So understanding that this belt buckle must start the rotation before the club comes down is vital to stopping fat pitches.

      You can do this on greenside bunkers too if you want. I just like people to dig in and do their normal swing aiming to compensate for the open face. Way easier. Hinge/turn works great too.

  5. Paul ,The quality of this video lesson was terrible ,the sound stops and starts again.It doesn’t prevent to understand what to do and not do though .
    As in any golf swing ,you have to move forwards during the downswing .
    The only catch is when you pitch from a bad lie ,with a thick rough with the ball embedded in the tall grass ,lying low .
    I put my weight more on the front leg when this occurs ,to help hit downwards on the ball .

    • April 19, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      Nothing is wrong with the video. You are the only person saying this so it is your connection.

      In this deep grass situation you would play the ball back. Here’s a tip on it. I think it has bad audio but you’ll get the picture:

      One Way To Hit From Long Rough – Pop Shot:

  6. I love this it works really well. But the question I have is, after the full picth swing with the pitching wedge do you consider jumping to the nine iron sling now is it no longer moving with the belt buckle first but insead firing the lower body at a faster stronger pace.

    • April 20, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      You can use the belt buckle as you downswing trigger if you want with all clubs. I use the right instep. Totally up to you.


      right instep
      lock lead leg
      turn hips
      turn belt buckle
      drive back knee ahead of ball

      As the clubs get longer you need to fire the lower harder.

  7. Paul,
    (1. will it be the same sensatation as “the blades of a helicopter” instead of dippping the shoulder when pitching a golf ball.
    (2). will the hands be allowed to follow the body rotation, meaning the hands are moved closer to the body in a circular motion rather than along the target line and allow it to move naturally inside nearer to the body.

    Thank you

    • Farin,

      It is not about dipping the shoulder. It is about too much weight on the back foot at contact causing you to get too low so the arc won’t fit thus hitting the ground behind the ball.

      Your body is moving your hands and arms. So as the body turns your arms immediately follow.

  8. Hey Paul, I have been pitching the ball successfully with this technique for the last couple of months. My occasional miss is usually a thin shot or a bladed shot. Is this also caused by the same reasons as you stated above? Thanks Brad You’re the best in the business!

    • Brad,

      Thanks. I appreciate it.

      You might be just trying to see it before you’ve done it. It’s exciting to hit close pitch shots. Just stay focus on the ball a little longer and relax the arms a little more. I can’t see you hanging back too much if you have been pitching it well.

  9. August 21, 2018


    In the takeaway of a medium pitch shot is the concept for the takeaway the same as a full shot? I take the club back until the club is parallel to the ground and I point the club handle to the ground

    The hips move 1/2 the rotation of the shoulders.


  10. September 14, 2018


    Hi Paul….could you please address how much, if any weight shift should be occuring in the short, medium, and long pitch shots. I understand the narrower stance will likely reduce weight shift but do you suggest keeping most of your weight on the left side as you go into the backswing (either short or medium backswings) and pivoting around that left leg axis vs shifting to the right leg and then turning.
    Thought I had it but got confused today at the practice range and felt I wasn’t getting back to the ball because my weight had shifted somewhat to the back leg. Results: lots of fat shots (and chopped up turf). Thanks

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      September 16, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      I am not even thinking of this on pitch shots. This is an abbreviated swing you are making. So you are doing your real swing with some modifications. You are hinging and turning. Those are the thoughts you should be thinking. If you do a 3/4 back swing you would move your head less and load less and so on. You would NOT be keeping the weight on the forward foot unless you are doing a punch or knock down shot.

      Fat shots are easy to fix when pitching. Watch:

      How To Cure Fat Pitch Shots:
      Meltdown at the 12th:

  11. August 17, 2019


    Hi Paul,
    Since I learned your pitching technique, I have had no problems. I may miss either fat or thin once in a dozen times, if that. What I am noticing is half the time the ball goes right of the target. sometimes a little and sometimes a bit more. What am I doing wrong?
    PS: Your chipping technique has also made me very good around the greens. Both shots are very easy to learn and replicate.

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      August 22, 2019

      Paul Wilson


      You are coming out of it trying to see the amazing shot you think you are going to hit. Watch the ball until you hit it. Before the shot you can do a few roll over drills to loosen your wrists. Then think TURN when you hit the shot.

  12. August 17, 2019


    Paul—are you releasing the club on all the pitch shots or holding it off?


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      August 22, 2019

      Paul Wilson


      I just shot this tip. We will be posting it in the near future. You release your pitch shots. Stay tuned for the tip.

  13. December 30, 2019



    So I understand the pitching technique, are the arms powerless here too and the clubhead speed (and distance) is being controlled by the speed of the belt buckle rotation?


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      January 2, 2020

      Paul Wilson


      Yes, arms are not hitting or helping the shot unless you are blowing it right. Then you would manually roll the wrists to get the wrists unlocked then you go back to powering it with the belt buckle.

  14. This is a great technique. However, I notice that when I play in fairway’s in the Northeast with very tight mowed/tight lies its much more challenging then a lie with the ball sitting up on grass we typically see out west. Is there any change to the pitch technique when in much tighter lies?

  15. Hi Paul,
    I was wondering can you bring back the feature on this website where we could save the tips we wanted? That was a great feature and I miss it. Sometimes it is hard to find the exact tip that made an impression on me.

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