Confident Golf!

By | on June 3, 2012 | 5 Comments | Array


Confidence is the #1 trait golfers ask me about. This free tip will blast your view of confidence out of the water! Discover why confidence “comes and goes” so often and what to do about it.







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5 Responses to “Confident Golf!”

  1. Hey David…..”SHUT UP!”……just a Chip Beck inside joke. Look forward to your tips.

  2. Hi Scott,

    SHUT UP! (ha, ha). Hope you’re doing great buddy–and hope you’re shutting up 🙂

  3. August 9, 2012


    Hi Dave, I’m a new member, but have been with Paul for 15 months via Revolution Golf. This tip is most frustrating in that it says that my confidence should not be results bases, but says nothing about what my confidence should be based upon.

    Is there another tip that shows how to build a proper confidence?

    • Hi Doug

      Welcome back to Paul here at ignition.

      Results can surely be one avenue to build confidence however the point of the video is that too many golfers use their results as the ONLY avenue and therefore confidence goes up and down with those results.

      I find the best way to build and maintain a feeling of confidence is to focus on things you have 100% control over (i.e. body language, choice making, preparation) as they bring inner stability because when you focus on things you can “do” in any moment, confidence returns and the mind stops going astray on things it can’t control (past, future, what other people think, etc.)

      make sense?

      • August 14, 2012



        Thanks for the response – yes it does make sense.
        It would be a good topic for a future tip- i.e. how to build proper/ appropriate confidence.


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