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How To Practice Your Chipping
Paul Wilson
on March 16, 2016
Tags: ChippingEffective Chipping PracticeHow to Practice Chipping
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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
28 Responses to “How To Practice Your Chipping”
May 4, 2013
RonCalabreseHi Paul. I had the opportunity to try the chipping technique at the very end of last year’s Midwest golf season. My chipping has always been the weakest part of my game causing me to putt from spots demanding a chip! Your technique definitely helped, although the very strong grip seemed to cause pulls to the left. Watching this new video indicates I was closing the club face when I leaned the club toward the forward leg. I’m optimistic a few hours of practicing this method will eliminate my chipping fears.
Thanks, Ron
May 6, 2013
Paul WilsonRon,
Glad you figured out the cure for the pulled chips. This should not be happening at all. If you lay the club down you will see the path and the face. Just give it a little more practice and you will have it. This is a huge shot saver so really work on it. In 2 weeks you will be great.
May 4, 2013
carlosgomezSo is the stance open and shoulders square looks like that’s what you re doing because I have problem chipping uphill usually goes right even do my stance is pointing left seeing the video looks like i’m leaving the face open almost close to a hosel shot***** thanks for any feedback great video by the way…
May 6, 2013
Paul WilsonCarlos,
Yes, I am open with the body and square with the shoulders. This allows me to get through it easier. You should not be hitting it right off that lie so lay the club down and use it to practice. It really doesn’t take long at all to become a great chipper.
May 4, 2013
RaymondCHASTELFantastically good lesson ,Paul .I Practice this way and have consid
May 6, 2013
Paul WilsonRaymond,
Glad you liked it. If you want to use the towel behind the ball feel free but that was the whole point of doing the strong grip. With an angle between the lead arm and the club the club will be descending at it hits the ball.
July 1, 2013
carlosgomezpaul what if I’m doing everything right but at the time of contact the ball goes 45 degrees to the right almost a shank have anything for me thanks****
July 1, 2013
Paul WilsonCarlos,
If you do not think you are shanking it and it sounds kind of clicky you are blading it. A shank feels like an okay shot because a round ball is hitting a round hosel. If you blade it the face is wide open and the leading edge of the ball is contacting the face so you get the clicky thin sound.
Blading is from you getting ahead of the ball as you hit the ball. This is usually from trying to swing too fast. What you need to do is stay behind it more. Just watch the back of the ball when you hit the ball on a few shots. You should also be moving your head back as you take it back. Then uncoil (in a circular motion) in the downswing. You should be able to fix this in no time.
If you are shanking it let me know. This is a totally different shot again due to hitting with the arms.
July 2, 2013
carlosgomezwe’re talking about a chip shot from about 5 yards off the green sitting on light rough I don’t know why this shot always kills my round maybe my shoulders are open to the target and I flipped my wrist leaving the face open and hitting to the right any suggestions thanks
July 2, 2013
Paul WilsonCarlos,
You can hit it on a 45 degree angle right by lifting up and hitting a round ball on the tow of the club. If this is the case you need to be watching the ball as the club hits the ball. I get the feeling you are not doing the proper technique. Please go back to the chipping technique and practice going through the exact steps:
Chipping Technique: https://ignitiongolf.com/correct-chipping-technique
How to Chip: https://ignitiongolf.com/chipping-how
If you still feel you are holding the face open just put a club on the ground parallel to your target line. Then check the face to make sure it is squarely aligned. Then just hit a few real slow and easy chips and watch how the face is hitting the ball. If your hands are too far ahead and you have not de-lofted the club you could be hitting it with the face open. So square it up as you hit your putts. Remember, this is like putting with your hands ahead of the ball. You not blowing your putts way right are you? Focus on doing your putting stroke.
June 4, 2014
MichaelRodrickHi Paul;
Over time, I’ve been seeing SOME pros using fairway clubs to chip in certain situations around the green. I never tried it until today. I was using a 7 wood from just of the green in light rough, to a few yards off the green to a pin 30-40 ft. away. I couldn’t believe how easy it is & how well it works, especially for distant pins. I’ve many times heard & read the statement “you want to get the ball on the ground & rolling asap”. This definitely accomplishes it. It takes a little while to get the feel for distance but after you do, it’s a great substitution for those without the touch for chipping. I’m sure this isn’t for everybody but maybe they should give it a try. The shot is done the same as a putt. The loft on the wood does all the work. This is even fun to practice.
June 5, 2014
Paul WilsonMichael,
This certainly works. I just chip.
March 21, 2016
It works and works and works! Last couple outings I had the opportunity to walk off all my chips before hittting them and I can say the ratios are pretty foolproof. I can do them metally pretty well since I have been a student of yours for a year or so, but with the extra time I had it was fun to actually pace them off. Gives such confidence around the greens cause you learn to trust the shot and I only ever think about where to land it and the roll always takes care of itself. Keeps it very simple. Got a lot of UD (up/down) marks on my scorecards so far this year. 🙂
March 21, 2016
Paul WilsonKim,
That’s great. Glad it’s working for you.
December 19, 2016
JimBakerHi Paul…very good lesson. When you chip with
your sand wedge, what is the degree of your
sand wedge. The reason I asked is I have two
wedges.. a 54 degree and a 58 degree ( the one
I use for sand shots…which of late I have had good
success out of the sand). I’m wondering if my 58
degree will give me that one to one ratio that you
talk about? I suppose I could determine that for
myself, but I guess I would like to hear your
December 20, 2016
Paul WilsonJim,
I use a 56 degree sand wedge.
Yes, you need to be using the 58. The 54 will roll too far.
Also, be aware that your hand position affects trajectory which affects roll. Experiment with this too.
How To Get the Proper Chipping Trajectory: https://ignitiongolf.com/chipping-trajectory/
Give it a try because you need the right ratio especially the 1:1. You will get this shot all of the time.
December 26, 2016
charlesbryantYou mention on many of your videos that chipping is a “stroke, like putting”. Does that mean that you are thinking of throwing the ball with your right hand as you recommend in putting, or should a bit of a pulling sensation with your left hand? Thanks
December 26, 2016
Paul WilsonCharles,
You can do what works best for you but I do feel the right hand as I do in putting. When I am saying putting I want a stroke and I want you to visualize your putter. If you had a bucket of balls and putted them to a pin let’s say 30 feet away you would have a huge cluster of balls around the pin. If so, this is consistent. Why not sue this very same stroke for chipping with a few set up modifications? This way you can become incredibly consistent with chipping in no time.
So visualize your putter as you get set up for a chip. Then do your putting stroke as you do in putting. If this doesn’t work then think of the left hand or whatever is going to get you to do the stroke in stead of flipping or scooping at it. Too many people want to help their chips when all it requires is a stroke.
December 26, 2016
charlesbryantI definitely will try it Thanks
February 12, 2017
LeeDanekerHi Paul,
I love the chipping technique. The first time that I used it I was 1:1 with a sand wedge about 5 yards off the green with the pin about 5 yards in. I holed out the shot! I am able to fly the ball well with a sand wedge and pitching wedge, but when I want a longer roll, I haven’t been able to get the ball to fly when pitching with a 7 iron. Should I be standing farther back with the longer club? I am practicing chipping on a pretty hard surface — dry grass. Could that have something to do with my not being able to fly with the longer club?
February 13, 2017
Paul WilsonLee,
Nice. This will happen all of the time once you are good at it.
If you are not getting the roll out your hands are not far enough ahead.
How To Get the Proper Chipping Trajectory: https://ignitiongolf.com/chipping-trajectory/
Remember, chipping is like putting. So you would be approximately the same distance from the ball chipping as with putting. Your hands would be ahead so there would be clearance.
Give this a try. It should do the trick.
November 22, 2018
Steve WeberWhat adjustment do you make when there I a lot of grass and the ball is sitting way down?
November 23, 2018
Paul WilsonSteve,
The audio isn’t great in this tip but this will show you how:
One Way To Hit From Long Rough – Pop Shot: https://ignitiongolf.com/chipping-pop-shot/
October 30, 2020
ihmpadreDid you release the club at bit there? is that OK? or should we doing a hinge and hold?
November 3, 2020
Paul WilsonYou want to stay somewhat relaxed when chipping, but it is like a putting stroke. You would be more stiff wristed.
January 24, 2021
In these days of ready golf I would be lynched if I walked every chip out. I assume therefore it is a matter of experience in determining ratios.
I love this chipping technique. However, with all courses and practice facilities closed in the UK I am having to make do with the rear garden and bedroom carpet, much to my wife’s annoyance!!
February 1, 2021
Paul WilsonYou can also look from the side of your chip, at a 90 degree angle and quickly estimate the ratio that you need to determine your golf club. Look from your golf ball to the 1 yard onto the green spot and then imagine how many of those from the 1 yard to the flag; is it 2x 3x? Its a quick estimation. You can also when you’re getting better with chipping go SW for a flag on the front of the green, 9i for a flag in the middle and 7i to the back of the green.
March 24, 2021
JayKaltmanHi Paul
I have been using the Runyon Putt Chip method for years. Using the putter grip and ball in middle of the stance and stand very close to the ball. Do you ever use this method for chipping?