Keep Checking The Bottom Hand

By | on June 12, 2018 | 12 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

12 Responses to “Keep Checking The Bottom Hand”

  1. June 12, 2018


    Just another way of saying “Strong is Wrong”. Taking the dominate hand out of control of the swing to take the arms and hands out of the swing. Powerless arms. Body Swing not arm swing is the goal.

  2. Something that I noticed I was doing with my bottom hand was gripping a little bit further down onto my left hand thumb. It was a little bit like gripping a bat but not getting the hands to touch. Once I moved my right hand up as far as possible where the two hands are really snug I feel the wrists are much more free .

    • Norman,

      Yes, you need the hands snug. Too wide and you will release slower. Good thing you found that.

  3. I feel I have a good swing. I follow your suggestions but need help on this: when I feel I need to hit it hard or need a little more distance, my lower hand tends to roll over at the point of hitting the ball resulting in hook/pull hook. I just haven’t found a way to correct this. Any suggestions?

    • Stephen,

      You don’t get more power by hitting harder. So you wouldn’t even be thinking of this hand when you wanted more. You would be thinking driver the lower harder which means apply your downswing trigger harder.

      Do this though:

      DRILL: Golf Swing Timing For More Distance:

      • Thanks Paul. I will work on timing. My right hand coming in is an unconscious move. I just need to work with keeping it passive.

        • Stephen,

          Yes, like I said in the tip even I have to constantly check this on every shot.

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    June 13, 2018


    I do this too. Results in a pulled hook. Constantly have to guard against it. Thought it was just me. Great tip/warning.

  5. June 13, 2018


    Hey Paul:
    What an excellent lesson/tip! That lower hand/fingers just continue to look for that “strength” position in my swing. Especially later in my rounds, it just want to take over. I think you told me when I visited that we set the hands and consciously say “leave them there”. Great reminder and demonstration as always. Back to a single digit index again, thanks much

    • Bruce,

      Glad you liked it. Thanks.

      It is tough because you have to fight human nature. If you are aware of it though you will be looking out for it. Single digits are a good place to be.

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