Do Consecutive Repetitions To Change Your Golf Swing Fast

By | on June 27, 2014 | 8 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

8 Responses to “Do Consecutive Repetitions To Change Your Golf Swing Fast”

  1. January 19, 2013


    Hi Paul

    I noticed good golfers finish on a straight left leg with their left foot at the exact or the same position at address. When toward the end of your video clip you gave the example :straight leg to touch the legs. In my mind as watched the clip and as I was turning my left hip in the downswing of a “mock swing” said “STRAIGHT LEG” and it instantly worked that my follow thru was on a straight left leg and my left foot remained pretty much stationary. In effect my subconscious mind used the words “STRAIGHT LEG to have a “STRAIGHT LEFT LEG”. Thank you Paul.

  2. January 19, 2013


    Hi Paul,

    Is the left knee “locked’ in the straight leg position or somewhat relaxed?


  3. January 19, 2013


    My query is I don’t get very much distance with my driver and the imprint on the head is mainly middle to top rather than middle. When I swing back and make my hip turn I feel my right arm (I’m a lefty) is quite extended however what do you think about extending the right arm even further thus increasing the hip turn.. It feels about 6″ and on the range it does make a lot of difference. I only tried it once on the course wasn’t very fluid. I think there is mileage and technically it’s the same body turn just a bit more exaggerated. Any comments would be most welcomed.

    • January 22, 2013

      Paul Wilson


      You don’t need a big hip turn going back. You need to coil your shoulders while resisting the lower body rotation. This give you torque. Torque repeats 100% of the time in life. If you turn your hips you will not feel this torque. No torque means you will hit with your arms.

      You shoulders move the most in the swing. If your shoulders turn to approx. 90 degrees your hips would have to turn half that amount. They will do this every time 100% of the time. So, turn your shoulders not your hips and create the torque.



      You do want to extend the lead arm going back. This can be done with the one-pieve takeaway.


      One Piece Takeaway:

      Hinging the club immediately as you go back with your hands will narrow the arc.

      Give these things a try.

  4. February 25, 2015


    Hi Paul

    When trying the consecutive touch the leg position, do you have to do the full back swing as well,? So that the swing is pretty much a full swing or do you just move the shoulder round and just focus on the touching the legs?

    • February 26, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      Eventually you have to do it with every full swing. If you need to start off less than that then do so but eventually do it with a full swing.

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