C-Curve Posture – How It Looks and Works

By | on July 27, 2022 | 11 Comments | Array


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11 Responses to “C-Curve Posture – How It Looks and Works”

  1. Thx Jeremy. Wow. Do I need to stretch more. And I will.

    • Hey David,
      Good idea. I just read something that mentioned we should be stretching the same percentage of time during our workout as the decade our age falls within. Meaning, if you’re in your 60’s you should plan to stretch for 60% of your workout. Not a bad guide to follow.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  2. Great video, Jeremy. For all the talk about how “mental” golf is, it’s easy to forget that playing good golf has definite physical prerequisites. Most of us will never achieve the conditioning level of a tour player. However, videos like this give us the opportunity to learn what it takes, physically, to play better. From there, we can each decide what we will do, what we can do, to reach our individual peak performance level.

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    June 26, 2013


    Thanks Jeremy I now know what is meant by a C and S spine position.I was very interested in your hamstring talk ,as a shearer I work with a fairly straight back all day but I need good hamstrings, a few years ago I was able to bend from the hips with a straight back and place my palms flat on the floor nowadays its just my knuckles.I’ll be able to take this new information to the practice range and then the course. awesome.

    • Hey Colin,
      You have more than enough hamstring flexibility. Make sure you assess everything else though… especially hip flexors and rotators, all spine motions and shoulders. Check out some of the other videos that will help with those areas. Good luck!
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  4. Dear Jeremy ,
    Could you please elaborate on the correct postion of the pelvis at address:this is a subject nobody adresses properly ,while it is a most important factor in everyday life and in golf posture
    When at address ,I try to push the bottom part of my pelvis forward ,and I push the upper part of the pelvis backwards .
    Is this the correct move ?
    I perform several movements with the pelvis while lying on the mat and by sitting against the stability ball to train the pelvis .
    It ‘s an important part of the core and most people ignore it !

    • Hi Raymond,
      I totally agree. The pelvic position is a very important aspect of golf performance and injury prevention. The action you described above is what’s called a posterior pelvic tilt. This motion is important if you set up in an S-Curve where the front of your pelvis (think belt buckle) is pointing down to the ground too much in your address position. Too much posterior pelvic tilt can cause a C-curve. The position at setup we should strive for is called “neutral”. With all we know at this time that sits between 12-27 degrees from horizontal when you’re in your setup.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  5. Jeremy
    If one can’t get their back flat against the wall with their head also a/c a curved spine on a 65 yr old with a once a month chiropractor visit for alignment.What does one do?

    • Hi Tim,
      Great question. Comfortable always trumps position.
      In your exercise and therapy I want you to stress the body, within reason, so your body can obtain better posture and eventually better function. 65 years of age makes it more difficult to obtain than 25 years of age but we should all be “putting up the good fight.” Working “towards” ideal is always better than just accepting that you won’t improve. Doing that will only cause regression. Now, having said that, in your golf game (as opposed to exercise and therapy) I prefer that you’re comfortable, but encouraging, of a decent posture over the ball. Depending on the individual, the training posture can eventually become the golf posture. Again, comfortable always trumps position.
      Furthermore, in addition to your ‘chiropractic alignment’, please understand that posture takes flexibility, mobility, awareness and muscle strength. A good posture program, especially golf fitness program, will work on ALL of these components.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  6. May 14, 2015


    Jeremy, When I get the straight back posture it ends up hurting my lower back & I am so tight I have trouble rotating. What can I do?

    • Hi Louis,
      It’s more important that you’re comfortable, functional and confident over a golf ball. Don’t force what you think “perfect” posture should be when you’re hitting or playing. Now, having said that, when you train at home or the gym you need to do some things that will help you get better posture so it isn’t so restrictive in the future. Just understand that you have work to do off the course to improve. Not everyone can get that picture-perfect ideal position over the golf ball. Some people’s spines just won’t accept that position. Strive for perfection while training, but be comfortable yet aware over the golf ball so you can perform at your best.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

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