David and Paul – What To Do When You Are In Between Clubs

By | on August 5, 2024 | 25 Comments | Array


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25 Responses to “David and Paul – What To Do When You Are In Between Clubs”

  1. July 15, 2014


    Greetings Gentleman I am glad to have you both together because i have two questions that either one can answer 1 I have two golf games one when i am alone and one when i play with the sunday group. Alone i am more relaxed and play better With the group /they play 3 times a week/ not so relaxed and dont play as well.I know not playing 3 times a week limits me but i dont like to embarass myself with not always good play I know its mental any suggestions ? David i am enjoying the 7 laws will there be something there about this? 2 I noticed today about half way into 9 holes i was not unhinging my wrists My end position is almost always in the right position would it be ok to think about the unhinging feeling for a while Thanks coaches

    • John,

      You are letting other get to you and trying to hard.

      Next time you play warm up like this:

      Warm Up Before Round: https://ignitiongolf.com/practice-before-round

      For every shot you hit, focus more on a precise target in the distance. So pick out not just a tree in the distance pick out a leaf on a tree in the distance. The tighter your focus, the less you will think about your swing. Then, of course, you should just be thinking “swing smooth” all day long on every shot. I guarantee you are rushing and trying to impress everyone. Think about your game and your game only. Give this a try next time out and see what happens.

  2. July 15, 2014


    David i reviewed the second law and i think i need to hear it again the answer is in there

  3. July 15, 2014


    Hi David, hi Paul, when I’m in between clubs my first thought always is to grab the longer club and grip it a little shorter which than helps to maintaine my “normal” swing speed.

    However I will give it a try and make practice swings with both clubs just to see which one feels more comfortable.

    Thanks for that great tip, can’t wait for the next one with both of you!

  4. Avatar photo

    July 15, 2014


    Now I understand why the pros take a swing or two with different clubs when they are in between clubs. This tip will help me make a better decision next time. Thanks!

  5. July 16, 2014


    Greetings Coach thanks /you and David are making a real difference in my game

    • John,

      Very good. We appreciate the feedback. Please tell others. That would be a big help.

  6. July 16, 2014


    Greetings Coach what should i do if i get to the course late and there is no time to warm up

    • John,

      Just do a bunch of practice swings on the first tee to get loose. Start off swinging easy and gradually increase once you get warmed up. We all have done this. Sometimes there is not much you can do about it.

  7. July 19, 2016


    I would choke down on the longer club.

    • Don’t do That ,you lose your feel Keep it simple …

      • July 20, 2016


        Disagree. Would much rather use a full swing that can get to the hole.

        • Both JOHNNY REVOLTA and BEN HOGAN recommended to use lower lofted clubs to get to THE Green : at THE last OPEN at ROYAL TROON ,,most players did THE opposite ,flighting THE Ball high : THE result : they never landed on THE Green …

  8. Dave ,You are a sensible Man but in this case you make things More complicated than thet are .
    THE answer to THE question posed is fairly simple :
    – never tinker with your swing ,it’s THE same tempo from hole one to hole eigtheen .
    – in case OF doubt ,always take THE club with THE lésser loft : remember ,for a pro ,THE carry between two adjacent clubs is More or less ten yards : for THE average amateur ,it’s a mère 7 yards .A Green is normally twenty yards wide and twenty yards long ,so one club différence won’t make you fly over THE Green.
    – always go with your first choice ,nô second guessing ,THE ” first intuition ” as says Dave ,is always THE best .
    An illustration OF THE situation was brilliantly given at THE OPEN at ROYAL TROON .Phil MICKELSON Needed one club More than HENRIK STENSON on each and every intermediate shot MICKELSON was always shorter off THE TEE ,and from THE fairway .
    That didn’t bother him at all .Hé lost only because STENSON’s putting was brilliant and supérior to his ( Also STENSON was sheer lucky … But that’s how golf is ! )

  9. Avatar photo

    July 19, 2016


    ok Ray–don’t agree it’s more “complicated” but if that’s your pov–great.
    This is simply an option–some will try and like it–others will not–just an option.
    Thank you for your comments

    • Dave ,it’s m’y own expérience That THE less you wait before playing your shot ,THE better THE outcome .

      • July 20, 2016


        Raymond, why do you always capitalize the “THE”??

        • The IPAD I have plays tricks on me :it is an (old ) FRENCH version ,not an ANGLO SAXON one and the spelling corrector goes on its own without me being able to stop it .
          I hate the IPAD but it’s a convenient tool ,you can go around the house with it .When I utilize the lap top ,this doesn’t happen .
          I’m aware of this deficiency but cannot stop it !

  10. July 20, 2016


    Greetings Coach . Because of you an Paul my game is the best it has been in the 50 years of play. I am close to breaking 80,very close, 4 or 5 strokes,my question is how do I do it without stressing out as I try to do it? THANKS COACH

    • John,

      That’s great. I love hearing it.

      Lot’s of breakthroughs happening for members.

      All you have to do to break 80 is approach 80 a few more times. Once you do you will expect to be there. Right now you are nervous to be there and you start thinking about it. After you are there a bunch you are not nervous. You’ll see.

  11. Avatar photo

    July 20, 2016


    Hi John!

    Thank you for your kind words (as always!)

    Paul is right and I will show you HOW TO DO THAT.

    Hope you don’t mind me suggesting this–I just sent out to my golfers list a N OPPORTUNITY TO DO A SHORT 5 SESSION LIVE ONE ON ONE COACHING session pack. It’s waaay reduced as a short time offer and I extend it to you (and anyone else on IG).

    You are so close! There is no substitute for having that “live guide” with you to go from WHAT to do to HOW TO DO IT


    5-Session Pack LIVE Coaching process to address any area that is relevant/meaningful to you, In these 5 full length (50 minute) sessions we can:

    Fit your schedule–don’t worry–you WILL get the full 5 hours!
    Clarify confusion on the course or when under pressure
    Root out limiting beliefs
    Make better/clear shot/club selection decisions
    Create a doable action plan you will WANT to follow
    Identify obstacles that still linger–preventing those lower scores
    Re-Learn the Peak Performance Laws taught in Wired to Win© (even if you heard them before)
    Be that steady guide to follow you through the process
    No long term commitment
    Go at your own pace
    This is an ideal way to get moving and take your previous Wired to Win experience to NEW HEIGHTS.

    And the best part? I’ve slashed the per session price to ONLY $65!!! (normally $175)

    Check it out here:copy/paste this link below


    Consider this John! We’ll get over the top! (or under 80 in your case:)

  12. August 1, 2017


    Something I do not just in golf but in life just ask yourself “a million dollars for the right answer”….that will get you to pick the right club

  13. Avatar photo

    September 24, 2019


    When I’m between clubs sometimes I’ll hit a fade or a draw to adjust distance. Same swing but distance is less with a fade and longer with a draw.

  14. Avatar photo

    September 24, 2019


    I let my caddie pick the right club because he gets 10% of my winnings 🙂

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