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Use Your Belt Buckle To Get Your Hips Moving
Paul Wilson
on October 27, 2024
Tags: hips golfhow to use hipslower bodyuncoiling
Author Description

Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
4 Responses to “Use Your Belt Buckle To Get Your Hips Moving”
August 18, 2020
RandMellorPaul, great tip and turning my belt buckle is my favorite downswing trigger. And actually, the first. 45 degree turn really wasn’t the problem——it was the “next” 45 degree “ continuing to turn” that was the real challenge. I would start my downswing with my hips but once they reached facing the ball, my upper body would again take over to finish the swing…So that by the time I made contact with the ball, my hips were only at about 15 degrees, not 45…So completing the hip turn ALL THE WAY THROUGH the swing was the most difficult part for me…Still working on it! Also, I noticed in your slo-mo shots of your swing, your head stays over the in-step of your right foot thru the shot until you come out of it, and that’s been a challenge as well to replicate consistently…But it’s coming along and thanks again for your great instruction…..RAND
August 19, 2020
GregHillGreat Tip, Paul! Thanks! Maybe this is why I have no lag in my swing??? My hips aren’t moving first??? Thanks!
Greg Hill
August 26, 2020
DavidFoxMaybe have a tip that you can give out. Played today with a badly sprained left wrist. It was so sore I couldn’t hold a club in just my left hand. Normally my 2 biggest faults are I don’t load up enough and I start the swing with my shoulders. Try not to do it to often. I’m a seven handicapper. Today was different. I hit one more club everywhere. My stance was closed (back foot back) and both feet open probably 20%. (looked like a duck) Did this intentionally so I would load completely. It also made it easy to start the swing with the lower body. I never swung faster then about 60%. After about 5-6 holes I noticed my stance had gone back to square. My shots were straight, about 10 yards shorter then normal. Shot a very easy 80, never trying to go fast.
August 26, 2020
GregHillAwesome! Thanks for sharing, David!