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Correct Ball Position In Your Golf Swing
Paul Wilson
on April 13, 2011
Tags: Correct Ball PositionGolf Setup Ball PositionSetup
Author Description

Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
12 Responses to “Correct Ball Position In Your Golf Swing”
October 23, 2012
WadeThamesPaul, what is the purpose of the three ball positions? Is it because of loft? The left most adding more loft to the driver and less loft to a wedge? I had been using Nicklaus approach were every ball is played from the same position (off the left heel) with any club. Is there a problem with this approach?
October 24, 2012
Paul WilsonWade, The ball is moving forward because the clubs are getting longer. The longer the club the longer it takes to get to square. I find this is too far forward playing each club from the instep of the left foot. I would stick to the way I explain it. If you cannot do it then do it the Nicklaus way.
July 20, 2013
BruceLaughtonHi Paul:
I have been so pleased with the progress with your system but I absolutely hate those situation where I need to use the 3 hybrid or the 3 wood. In a recent round, my partner suggested moving the ball position back to mid-stance for the 3 wood. Out of desperation, I did so and hit it a solid 200 yards.
I am still relatively new to your methods and do not want to begin to apply band-aids. How sacrosanct are the ball positions you recommend?
July 21, 2013
Paul WilsonBruce,
With a 3 wood you should be 1 ball inside your forward heel. So by this person telling you to drop it back I would think it was pretty close to where I want it. Keep in mind you are making an arc with the club The more you drop it back the more the club has not reached the maximum curvature to the arc. So maybe you were hitting with arms a little and coming over the top. By dropping it back too much you were then making more direct contact from the inside. I would be checking this ball position and making sure it is perfect every time. This is very important.
Ball Position: https://ignitiongolf.com/ball-position
Width of Stance: https://ignitiongolf.com/width-of-stance
September 3, 2017
SteveWeberPaul, with single length irons (7 iron length) should the 8-W ball position be the same as the 7-3W?
September 4, 2017
Paul WilsonSteve,
You have 1 ball position with all clubs. If you need to drop it back a little then try it.
September 4, 2017
SteveWeberPaul, I thought the 8-PW was 2 balls inside forward heel, 7-3W 1 ball and Driver right off forward heel? Or are you saying that with single length all clubs are played 1 ball off except driver?
September 5, 2017
Paul WilsonSteve,
Single length clubs. The whole point is you don’t have to change anything.
April 2, 2018
TomCarrollPaul, what is the reasoning for why the ball position is more forward of centre in the positions you indicate?
I understand the driver positioning but what are the reasons for the other 2 stances depending on whether its one of the shorter clubs or mid irons to 3 or utility clubs?
Although I am asking the change of positioning the ball is working for me but I am curious.
April 2, 2018
Paul WilsonTom,
Longer club take longer to square. It’s an arc. If you hit driver from the middle of your stance you will hit pushes and push fades because the face has not reached square at that point of the arc.
As the clubs get longer they swing faster so you need to widen a little to keep your balance.
April 2, 2018
TomCarrollHi Paul
As mentioned above, I understand the driver positioning but what are the reasons for the other 2 stances depending on whether its one of the shorter clubs or mid irons to 3 or utility clubs?
I am wondering therefore why is the ball positioning 2 or 3 balls inside the heel of the left foot depending on the iron being used?
April 3, 2018
Paul WilsonTom,
You need a wider stance with driver because it is swinging faster and you don’t want to fall over.
The mid irons are longer than your short irons. They take longer to square so you move them forward little. I mentioned this already.