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Your Arms Versus Your Body
Paul Wilson
on June 30, 2024
Tags: body swinghow to use bodypowerless arms
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
2 Responses to “Your Arms Versus Your Body”
July 3, 2024
I have been following you for 10 years now, and I have been trying to get powerless arms since then, I am still working on it, I have achieved some improvements, but I am still not where I would like to be. However, some questions:
1) What about your shoulder? Do you somehow actively move it during the downswing?
2) Do you create lag through actively keeping your wrists hinged during the downswing?
3) Do you actively release your wrists during the downswing?
July 10, 2024
Paul WilsonHello Andreas, thank you for your questions.
(1) You are not actively moving your shoulders in the downswing. If you uncoil properly with the legs and hips the shoulders will uncoil properly on their own.
(2) You create lag with loose wrists. Lag means something is trailing behind something else. So you start your body and allow the arms to follow. If you have no lag you are hitting with arms. If you want perfect lag do this drill which will loosen your arms:
If you want more lag tips search “lag” I have tons of them but that one will get you lag in 2 mins.
(3) I do not actively release my wrists but mine are loose. If you asking this yours are not. So you do the roll over drill until you hook every shot. I usually get people to hook about 10 in a roll to get the feeling. Once you get it remember it. Now you add body to straighten it out. So you coil and set the top. Instead of thinking about rolling it you are thinking about firing your hips (think belt buckle). They fire then through impact you feel the club to release like you did in the roll over drill so you square the face.
I have tons of roll over drills. Just got the search and type in roll over and they will all come up. This is one of my main drills so not sure why you would not have this mastered already.