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Where Does Your Power Come From With Mike Dobbyn
Paul Wilson
on April 2, 2019
Tags: golf distanceGolf Swing Powerhow to hit driverlegs in golfswing
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
4 Responses to “Where Does Your Power Come From With Mike Dobbyn”
April 2, 2019
TomCA swing thought that has really helped me with getting powerless arms is to keep my shoulders loose and soft. That feeling then radiates down through my arms and wrists.
April 4, 2019
Paul WilsonTom,
Very good. I have someone the other day really stiff and shrugging their shoulders. Not good. Got to stay relaxed. If you are tight to begin with how can you ever stay loose.
Are You Behind the 8 Ball?:
April 5, 2019
malcolmparkerHi Paul,
Looked long and hard at the spot you had left in your April 26-28 course, My aim is to come over in the next 12 months for a clinic, what are the chances of your running the driver clinic at the end of one of your 3 days clinics early next year ,
regards Malcolm Parker (Aus)
April 5, 2019
Paul WilsonMalcolm,
Not sure about when we will have the Driver schools. I need to get Mike’s schedule. He has competitions etc. that he has to work around. We may do some through the week and weekends. Not sure yet. I will let everyone know. Be great to work with you.