Are You Cheating In The Follow Through

By | on August 22, 2017 | 5 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

5 Responses to “Are You Cheating In The Follow Through”

  1. Nice to see you posting such an useful reminder of one of your favorite drills (Together with the “touch your legs ” position )
    All the upper part of the body has to be relaxed and flexible to acheive this ,not just the wrists .
    Paul ,one of the first lessons you showed when starting your golf lessons was about the head/neck position (Turn the left shoulder so the upper crease of your sleeve rubs your chin -BEN HOGAN had that part of the left sleeve cut out! ).
    I have the “ROGER FREDERICK’s syndrom “:a slouched head !
    I am exerting quite some efforts now to straighten my neck when turning in my backswing :it is evident that you turn more and better with the “chin up “.
    Do you have a tip to acheive this ?

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      August 23, 2017

      Paul Wilson


      Oh yes, my head used to be really down at address. To this day I remind myself to lift it up as I set up to every shot. A lot harder to do than keeping it down but as you say it help you turn.

  2. August 22, 2017


    Please explain why I cannot get access to this golf tip ?

  3. Paul, I have a question for you and it pertains to changing the way I hit. I am right side dominant in everything I do….write with right hand…throw right….kick right…but golf left, play hockey left and swing a baseball bat left…One of my kids (14)is also like me in that he is right handed and plays golf left.

    I have tried your method and although I do get it hitting from the left (I am hitting to a 25 handicap)…when I practice the drills to the right…the leg action is superb…but the arms not so much…do you think that I should make the effort to switch…since my leg action is so good? in your experience will the arms follow…eventually? My son’s coach thinks that he should make the switch as he is doing things in his swing (although is does shoot the high 70s) that show how right side dominant he is too. Any thoughts on this would be very much appreciated…



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      August 24, 2017

      Paul Wilson


      I have dealt with this numerous times in the past. The person is right handed yet plays golf left. The main problem when people do this is that they keep their head still right over top of the ball left handed. Right handed it moves nicely behind the ball allowing the person to load properly and use the legs. This sounds like it is happening in your case too. 2 of the people I taught who did this did not switch to right handed even after I told them to (they could afford to switch).

      Instead for 15 lessons I tried to get the one person to move their head. I lost touch with him so I don’t know if he ever got it. The second person took 5 straight weeks doing thousands of swings in a mirror watching his head move and finally got it. I haven’t seen his swing a while so I am not sure if he is still doing it.

      If it were me I would switch. Yes, you will take a hit initially but you are a 25 hdcp. So you shoot 115 instead of 110. Who cares? For the sake of getting used to it you will see amazing progress very quickly into the future. You can always turn the arms off later. The body working properly is way more important because that is the second power source. If you cannot get that working you will never turn off the arms.

      So you switch. Use your body and arms. Get used to using the body. Master the positions then as a final step, turn off the arms.

      I truly think this will be the best option. It is up to you to make a wise decision.

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