More Exercises to Increase Clubhead Speed

By | on November 9, 2022 | 13 Comments | Array


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13 Responses to “More Exercises to Increase Clubhead Speed”

  1. Jeremy ,Should this exercise be done as fast as possible to create Speed and explosive Power ,in THE anaerobic form of training ,10 seconds sessions ,or slowly ?

    • Raymond I would choose both types of training for this exercise. Slowly will help the segmental stabilization aspect of power and the speed training will help the explosive needs. I would recommend you do the speed training only 1-2x/week max.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  2. February 5, 2015


    Hi Jeremy. Years ago I dislocated my left shoulder in a skiing accident and experienced some pain after holding the plank position for a minute. Should I avoid planks altogether, or just shorten the time or number of repetitions? There was no pain for the 1st month doing them once a day for a few minutes. Then the pain stated and I stopped doing them.

    Thanks, Ron

    • Hi Ron,
      I would stop and return as tolerated. My suggestion would be less time and more reps but only if there is no pain. It sounded like you had success in the past so give it another shot with some modifications. Let me know how that goes please.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  3. February 5, 2015


    Hi Jeremy,

    Boy, that looks like a great exercise to, among other things, help with “separation.”



  4. February 5, 2015


    Jeremy ,In the lower body strength exercises section ,do you have drills with ankle straps ,for extensions ,curls ,abductions ,adductions ?
    I don’ t have ankle straps Yet .
    Which ones do you recommend and where CAN they be found ?

    • Hi Raymond,
      I don’t use them very often but they can be found at most of the sporting goods websites, i.e. You can add them to most of the leg exercises because the extra weight will either add resistance as you lift or work on your stability by having you control the momentum they may create when doing things like kicking or swinging you legs.

  5. February 13, 2015


    What is recommended routine (say a week) with number of reps and hold times for each exercise/movement? Thx!

    • Hi Norman,
      Fatigue is the best indicator for sets and reps but if you want a baseline I would start with 10 kicks each leg, 3 sets each side. 1x/week if you’re doing a bunch of different core exercises throughout the week or 3x/week if this one is your main source of core work.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  6. March 13, 2019


    Hi Jeremy,
    This comment not quite related to this tip, but here goes. I have put myself out of action by somehow straining my calf muscle close to the left knee joint. It must have happened when I rotate my hips and shoulders through the golf swing. This inevitably creates torsion on my left leg and knee and this has caused the problem I think. It probably happened on the golf range where you can do maybe too many shots in a short space of time. As I am just over 70, not young and fit anymore I wonder how I can encourage the body to repair and goying forward how to stop it happening again. I would welcome any advice. Many thanks! Derek

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      March 17, 2019

      Paul Wilson


      Sorry to hear about that. I have never heard of this with the left calf. I do tell people to turn out the forward foot 25 degrees so they accommodate the circular rotation of the golf swing so make sure you are setting with this foot turned out. As with anything you need to start out slowly and gradually build up. You are not good at this stuff so learn the moves slowly at first ten gradually build it up and go faster over time.

      So you need to rest up now until you are feeling better. Work on grip and setup. Make some positions too in practice swings in a mirror and the short game. This is mirror practice is more important than hitting balls. So in the future you need to reduce the balls you are hitting and do way more practice swings until you learn the swing then add more balls.

      At home you can do this drill to learn how to gain speed:
      Up In The Air Drills – Speed:

      How To Do Practice Swings At Home:
      Get Addicted to Doing Practice Swings:

    • Hi Derek,
      Sorry to hear about the injury. As for now, rest and recover. Ice is great and light stretching as the calf allows. I can’t see the mechanics of your left leg in action but I would certainly stretch before, during and after your practice sessions. It should clear up quickly. Take a look at other things that you may have done that would cause it too, like walking or exercising more than usual before your session where you injured yourself.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

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