Advanced Cross Country Skier Exercise

By | on September 4, 2024 | 3 Comments | Array


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3 Responses to “Advanced Cross Country Skier Exercise”

  1. February 12, 2015


    Jeremy ,I don’t quite see what muscles this exercise develops and how it benefits the golf swing .
    We don’ t jump back and forth while swinging !

    • Raymond,
      I can’t just throw a weight on a golf club and call it golf fitness… sometimes the benefit is hidden within a complex series of movements that challenge muscles to work in interesting ways. Anybody can do a golf swing motion and try to make it a workout… that’s just not my style. Plus, most times I see someone do that they make the same mistake in the exercise as they make in their golf swing and that just makes it counterproductive.

      In this particular exercise, the alternating jump is a way to get your hips/pelvis to rotate (as needed in the golf swing) plus the added challenge of power, coordination, speed, balance, stability. Keeping the arms still while fighting the pull of the tubing is mimicking the torso stability required in the golf swing to separate the lower body from the upper body. Overall, it’s meant to be a fun and challenging way to help golfer’s gain power, stability and dissociation between the upper and lower halves.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  2. Where is the original cross country skier basic exercise? I scrolled through all your videos on Ignition Golf and didn’t see anything my that name, nor did it return in a search for Cross Country Skier. Only the advanced form returned.

    John Fieler

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