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Achievable Practice Goals
Paul Wilson
on March 18, 2023
Tags: golf practicehow to aim golfhow to practicewhat to aim at golf
Author Description

Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
12 Responses to “Achievable Practice Goals”
December 17, 2017
RickEganWhen I lived near Bethpage, there was a large Range with large poles by the fence. We would make our fairways the distance between a certain number of support poles. As you say, you have to have realistic goals. Using that spacing was good practice.
December 18, 2017
Paul WilsonRick,
Perfect. You know what I am talking about.
December 17, 2017
RandMellorCan’t understand why there aren’t more comments on this particular tip——-this is a great tip, super valuable for really relieving pressure on the various clubs/shots u talked about. These type of tips are invaluable for making shots “realistic” when you’re actually ON a golf course and trying to decide where or what type of shot to hit…..”Spot-on” with this tip as well, Paul…Thanks again!!!
December 18, 2017
Paul WilsonRand,
I just posted it. I rarely get comments on tips about how to practice. Make me wonder if people are watching them. Glad you watch and liked it.
December 17, 2017
WillCooperPaul, your advice in this tip contradicts what I have always heard about aiming the golf ball. The advice that I have often come across is that a golfer should pick out as specific a target as possible. It could be a flag stick or a tree or a boulder or whatever, but that it should be a specific point on the golf course. The idea is that a golfer is more likely to hit a shot where he or she aims it if the brain focuses on a small area as a target.
If the goal, as you laid it out, is to stay within the span of a green, why not pick a spot on the green that gives the most room for error? So in the case of the 80-yard green on the Bear’s Best range, I noticed that the pin from your location was tucked behind the right lip of the bunker in front. I personally wouldn’t aim for that pin. I’d pick a target in line slightly to the left of the right edge behind the opening and perhaps try to draw it toward the pin. That would give me a good chance of making the green, assuming I had the right distance.
Let’s say a green is 20 yards wide from a golfer’s position on the course, I guess my question is, how do you aim for a 20-yard span? Don’t you have to aim for some spot within that span?
December 18, 2017
Paul WilsonWill,
Yes you should be doing that … when you play. Your first goal on the range is to achieve a goal plus on the range you would be working on things so hitting perfect shots is not the goal.
On our range I am not trying to hit perfect shots. I am working on my swing. So keeping it in the span of the green would be what I care about. As I get better and make the change I may dial it in but knowing that I achieve my goal is very important.
Also, before you play never … ever … ever try to hit to a target. Before a round you are warming up. That means you hit a few and not care where they go. You hit it great on the range I guarantee your round will be a distaster.
Warm Up Before Round: https://ignitiongolf.com/practice-before-round/
To aim for a 20 yard wide target you are aiming in the middle of the target. You are taking not how many balls stayed in the 20 yard span. Not sure you are understanding this tip. If you have 50 balls and you can get every ball within that span wouldn’t that tell you that your swing is somewhat consistent. You get 20% in that span and you need to do some more work.
December 18, 2017
PETERSHUTESReally good tip.
Thanks Paul
December 18, 2017
Paul WilsonPeter,
Thanks. Glad you liked it.
December 19, 2017
RaymondCHASTELPaul ,This video lesson is excellent for those who practice on the driving range .For those who don’t ,as I do ,(I contend it’s pure waste of time and rather boring )it doesn’t make much sense .I’ve always felt that the game on the driving range and the game on the golf course were two different games .It reminds me of the JAPANESE players who practice out of superimposed boxes out to practice ranges in TOKYO :they told me they never went out to golf courses ,too expensive for them in JAPAN.)I am of the same opinion as Mr WILL COOPER ,who previously commented on the subject:pick up the smallest target to aim at whenever on the fairway or nearing the green .Working on your swing can be done at home without a ball ,either in front of a mirror or a window pane .Now,if you wish to practice ,do it on the golf corse ,playing several balls when there’s nobody behind or far back so as to not be a nuisance .Of course you can’t hit 50 balls you suggest to do in this video .
December 20, 2017
Paul WilsonRaymond,
As you know I love the practice at home. I will keep saying it forever. I used to be king of the range. Now, I too find it boring. I just do swing at home.
December 21, 2017
RaymondCHASTELPaul ,I came across a long demonstration of what is the D plane in the golf swing :I totally ignored what this was .I understand that in short you swing to the right for the driver and fairway woods and to the left with the irons .Then I saw another video of how to aim with the driver and how to aim with the irons to reach the target .This confuses me :I aim normally towards the target the same way with the woods and with the irons and my shots go where I intend them to go .Could please clarify this concept for me (and other golfers )?
December 21, 2017
Paul WilsonRaymond,
I remember seeing something about D Plane. Can’t remember it. Just more stuff to confuse people.
You aim the face at the intermediate target. Not sure what else there is to add.
Intermediate Target: https://ignitiongolf.com/align-clubface-on-target