The ABCs of Golf

By | on February 27, 2017 | 3 Comments | Array


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3 Responses to “The ABCs of Golf”

  1. hey hey david,i am really trying to fathom,what u just said and am unable 2 discern what ur corrections are,,if i am thinking-for example- of starting the downswing by moving my left hip slightly 2 left and rotating my body,,and then for some reason,my timing and tempo,are off,how does ur video presuppose 2 help my bad shots????

    • Hi Rich!

      The check-in is designed to put you in position mentally, physically and emotionally BEFORE you step into address position–not to be done DURING the golf swing.

      It helps you clear old, limiting, negative and otherwise distracting things that prevent a golfer from being fluid and free..

      You can what you wrote as final swing thoughts and that might be fine–but the check-in is to see where you’re at mentally, physically and emotionally–PRIOR to being clear.

      Make Sense?

  2. February 28, 2017


    Dave,Instead of “checking in ” ABC ,shouldn’t you instead have the mind void of any thoughts when you stand at adress about to start your swing .I try to make a vacuum in my head at that precise moment ,and have my thoughts on the sole target I have chosen the moment before(Tree limb ,patch of fairway etc..) .I also try to stay in a “flow ” ,moving my body with minute movements until the last moment

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