You Have 7 Seconds – David and Paul

By | on April 29, 2024 | 14 Comments | Array


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14 Responses to “You Have 7 Seconds – David and Paul”

  1. July 1, 2014


    Greetings boys and i use that term with affection Its good to see that David has a body ive only seen his head up to this point.and seeing the coach getting some instruction makes him look like on of us.Good tip . i usually dont stop the bad mouth until i get home.Really great tip .I am so much enjoying being a member and becoming friends with the team. THANKS

  2. This is a great tip. Gonna be hard for me though….

  3. Great advice David. I am my own worst enemy on the course. I have got to learn to forget the bad shots quickly and move on.
    I will definitely give this a try.

    • Hi Stephen,

      Thank you…I love doing the live videos with Paul!

      Please do give this a try—let us know!

  4. Hi Dave, hi Paul,
    another great tip! So good to see you guys together again!

    Please keep going


  5. Dave ,it’s good to see you in full ,but it would be évén better to see you swinging the club !
    JACK NICKLAUS had a tremendous capacity to Forget his Bad shots ,especially the 3 puts .
    Hé pretended hé never three putted in major évents !
    When I hit a poor shot ,I immediately erase it from my mind ,it has never existed :instead I go back to a marvelous shot II played in similar circumstances .
    Breathing deep and slow also helps .

  6. July 5, 2016


    The only question I have is…. how many swear words can I get out in just 7 seconds ? They will have to be short, one syllable, and fast.

  7. Avatar photo

    July 5, 2016


    Good luck with that drjo!

  8. September 24, 2018


    I presume there is still room for analysing the poor shot and thinking of the remedy. For example, I pulled the ball so I probably hit with my arms. ..etc.

  9. October 29, 2019


    Its helpful advice and I will apply it. If I hit a bad shot I often have the added pressure of not being sure I can find my ball in the area of thick grass where I think the ball landed. I try to be optimistic and assume i will find it. But it does extend the 7 seconds, not knowing, If its just a friendly game we often just drop a ball in the same area if it can’t be found, or I just walk on to the next hole and give up Going back to hit another shot is just too stressful and time consuming.

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