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2 Minutes To Perfect Lag
Paul Wilson
on November 26, 2017
Tags: how to get laglagLag Drill
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
26 Responses to “2 Minutes To Perfect Lag”
November 26, 2017
RickEganWow, I’ll be trying that drill as soon as my wrist heals up. Seemed to have injured my forward wrist. But, that drill looks great!
November 27, 2017
Paul WilsonRick,
i have done this with quite a few students in the past. Never thought to video it. Works well.
March 30, 2024
We did some one on one training several years back- 9 actually!- and a super short backswing continues to kill my golf swing and caused me to stop playing several times.
With no ball i can make a beautiful fluid swing and a full shoulder turn.
With the ball there it’s as if there’s an invisible force keeping me from even completing have the backswing before i start back down again.
I know it’s all psychological….and i’m at my wits end with this. No proper hinge and no power
November 26, 2017
JohnSalvaggioOMG!!! Seeing the Before and After is golf life changing.
I have put the drill into my preshot routine. I have taken your advice to stop beating balls and practice getting my wrists fully hinged. It still amazes me how natural that hinging happens in the drill THANK YOU!!
November 27, 2017
Paul WilsonJohn,
Glad you liked it. See how tight you were? In no way were you in position to come down. Glad you see it and will be working on it. This is a game changer.
November 26, 2017
BenjaminBerryThis drill is a game changer Paul! Thank you so much. Here’s an interesting question have we all gone down the wrong path getting fit for ridiculously light shafts? I’m thinking maybe. I would love to find a fitter who would be committed to fitting heavier shafts. This may be wiser than using my big Bertha Irons with super light steel fiber 70 shafts. I practice sometimes with an old set of mizuno mp 14 blades from the early 90s. But Every time I play with them it’s a disaster.
November 27, 2017
Paul WilsonBen,
Yes, you definitely need a good fitter. Are they fitting you will light shafts because you need them though? I like feeling the weight of the club. Light steel is trying to replicate graphite which does tend to give people more distance. I would find something you are happy with and stick with it. Maybe it is normal steel shafts with a bit more forgiving head. Sounds like you like that type of club. Get them off of ebay for next to nothing.
November 27, 2017
BenjaminBerryThanks Paul, I have a great fitter and I was fit 2 years ago when I was a 25 hc and weighed 60 pounds more than I do now. Now I’m a much fitter 13 hc . What I did today as an experiment is put some Lead tape just below the grip of my 7-iron, about 10 g worth and I really like the feel much better. For me, A heavier club feels better if you are swinging with your lower body. A lighter club feels better if you are swinging with your hands and arms.
November 30, 2017
Paul WilsonBen,
I like that test. Great way to feel a heavier club. You are starting to become a better player so yes, heavier may be better for you. I definitely like heavier. Then I can feel the head and let it swing wherever it wants.
November 27, 2017
PaulLindhagThis drill works well…tried it today. It also helps with doing the effortless swing. This is one you should definitely do to help with “relaxing” the arms, taking them out of the swing. Thank you for this tip!
November 30, 2017
Paul WilsonPaul,
Good stuff. Glad you liked it. Once you get it just don’t touch the back on the neck.
November 30, 2017
BenjaminBerryThanks Paul the experiment is a smashing success.
I now theorize that many of us are being fitted for clubs that are way too light. Yes they are much easier to swing with your hands and arms, But that’s not what we’re trying to do anymore now is it 🙂
December 1, 2017
Paul WilsonBen,
You could be right. I would think they will do anything to get average players to hit it better. The last thing they ever try is fixing their swing.
December 1, 2017
BenjaminBerryIt really is incredible Paul- with the added weight, for the first time today ( How long have I been working on this?) I actually hit a few shots with powerless arms. Your club can’t “feel heavy” if it ain’t heavy.
December 3, 2017
Paul WilsonBen,
Good stuff. I have been teaching this to students for a couple of years now but decided out of the blue to record it. Glad I did. Seems a lot of people are benefitting from it.
January 20, 2018
JohnJaconskyWow this is awesome
I played a round with a gentleman once Who swung the club with a bent left arm. His accuracy and distance blew me away he told me that the reason my shots were all over the place was because my left arm was too rigid .
I’m going to the range today to try this new drill out
January 21, 2018
Paul WilsonJohn,
The arms need to be extended at address then the lead arm extended at impact. If so, you maintain the arc width. If you force it straight you will most likely tight up causing the chicken wing.
May 10, 2018
JonathanComptonAre the training shafts with the cylindrical weights at the end of the shaft designed to help instill lag in the swing?
Just touching the neck with the shaft of my club seems much easier and far less expensive.
May 11, 2018
Paul WilsonJonathan,
I think you are thinking of Speed Sticks or something like that. Yes, why not just do my positions and fix your swing. A great swing will hit it plenty long.
November 23, 2018
SteveSmercakPaul, How do you take this to the course? What modifications to this do you take to the course. Or should I say how do you permanently install this into your swing.
November 23, 2018
Paul WilsonSteve,
You do it on the range until you have it mastered. Then it will go on the course without you thinking about it. So repetition. Do the drill until you are good at it. Then just don’t touch your neck.
Lose of lag is you hitting with arms so you are moving the mass first. Lag means something is trailing behind something else. This means your body needs to lead arms follow. So collapsing at the top will loose your arms so get used to this feeling. Also work on your body powering the swing. If the body isn’t firing you still won’t do it. Feel the legs and hips are the power source. You need to be doing this drill too:
Do this drill every day for 1 month and you will have it. Follow it carefully.
July 10, 2019
DanKueblerPaul, great drill!!! Worked this drill several times before going to course yesterday. Then, simply used the “touch the neck” move on the course and wow!!! Obviously, wasn’t hinging properly at top of coil which contributed greatly to the “over the top” move. Worked through 18 holes with driver, rescues and irons. I’ll use it continually – it’ll become a habit at some point!!!
Also, “Nelson” was in 4-some – I hooked him up with you few months past, however, he’s not retired yet so has not used the tips. Explained this tip to him as thought it would help with his total lack of coil, hinge and release. His drives immediately went from typical max of 150 yards to 200 – also helped by fixing his grip from forward hand being barely “1 knuckle”… He was a happy camper after the round and greatly appreciated those two tips – hope he’ll find time to pull up your tips!!!
October 15, 2019
BillLovvornFinally a drill that works for me. I know what you are telling us but this drill
Gives you the right feel. Hit it so flush today. Now for the scoring part.
This coming from a 75 year old 6 handicap.
October 17, 2019
Paul WilsonBill,
Great. It takes hearing the right thing at that makes sense for you. This is why I say it different ways. At a 6hdcp you have used your body. Need to keep doing this and trust that not hitting is the right thing to do.
This might help too:
Do Not Disturb The Mass:
January 18, 2020
KimberlyHagenbachHello Paul. You may recall that when I came out for a golf lesson about a year ago that I was bending my elbow and not cocking my wrists. I am still struggling with this. I took a couple golf lessons out here in South Carolina and the pro told me to put an alignment stick along a shaft and then to cock the wrists and swing through and if the shaft hits my side, I am casting. I have worked on this drill a long time but still have trouble transferring this drill to my swing on the golf course. Do you think this is a good drill? I am now going to try the hit the neck drill and hopefully this will help me more and more quickly. Do you think using the orange whip is good for the touch your neck drill? And do you advise hitting balls on the golf course touching the neck before I can master the almost to the neck position? I ordered the ultimate swing device and am waiting for it to arrive. Hopefully that device will help too. Thanks!
February 4, 2020
Paul WilsonI would be doing lots of slower backswings either touching the neck or going to the top of your backswing and pointing your thumbs towards your back ear. You want to be going slow enough to where you can check for these things yourself. The problem with doing things like the alignment stick drills is they are tough to bring out to the golf course because you do not have the reinforcement of it out where it matters. I would touch your neck everytime for about a good month and this should help.